
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ リオプラス20:人権保護を盛り込んだ持続可能な開発を支えよ



(New York, June 12, 2012) – World leaders have a once in a generation chance to create a meaningful link between sustainable development and human rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today in a joint statement targeting Environment and Foreign Affairs ministers gathering in Rio.


Heads of state, government officials, and nongovernmental actors will meet on June 20 to 22, 2012, in Rio de Janeiro for the 20 + UN Conference on Sustainable Development.


They are there to take stock of progress towards commitments made at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development which resulted in the Rio Principles and ‘Agenda 21’, a blueprint for global, national, and local action on a wide range of environmental and development issues.


Few countries have followed the Rio Principles, and progress on environmental issues has been limited.


“World leaders in Rio should ensure that sustainable development is grounded in human rights,” said Jan Egeland, deputy executive director at Human Rights Watch. “It is encouraging that the new draft for the outcome document explicitly refers to human rights, but it doesn’t go far enough to ensure that those rights are protected.”


Economic development initiatives that do not incorporate human rights obligations and principles can deepen marginalization, discrimination, and injustice.


Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented human rights abuses in the context of infrastructure projects pursued in the name of development, the operation of extractive industries that have pushed indigenous peoples off their traditional lands, and development policies that have resulted in forced evictions of some of the poorest people.


In the wake of the Arab Spring, we cannot deny the importance of free expression, association, and assembly, equal access to information and to transparent processes, civic participation, and social accountability for sustainable development, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch added.


Sustainable development must also recognize the relationship between environmental sustainability and human rights.


Human rights monitoring bodies and international, regional, and national courts are increasingly recognizing environmental damage as a cause in human rights violations and have firmly established state responsibility with respect to environmental protection.


Human Rights Watch has documented violations of the health rights of vulnerable groups including children when they have been exposed to toxic chemicals in the context of mining, industrial production, and agriculture.


Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch called on countries around the world to:


Re-affirm all states’ legal obligations to respect, protect, and fulfil human rights, which are essential for sustainable development.

  • 持続可能な開発にとって必要不可欠な人権の尊重・保護・実現に於ける、あらゆる国家の法的義務を再確認する事

Re-affirm that development policies, projects, and practices must reflect states’ human rights obligations and that technical and financial assistance must be consistent with human rights obligations.

  • 開発政策及び開発計画とその実施は、国家の人権保護義務を反映しなければならず、更に技術的・資金的援助は人権保護義務に沿っていなければならない、と再確認する事

Ensure that international financial institutions, like the World Bank, only approve projects that have been subject to effective assessment of potential impacts on human rights and are designed to mitigate any human rights risks that might have been identified by such assessments.

  • 世界銀行のような国際金融機関は、人権への影響可能性に対する実際の評価に従うと共に、そのような評価によって特定される可能性のある、如何なる人権上の危険をも最小限に抑えるよう計画された事業のみを承認するよう保証する事

Re-affirm the right of access to information. Commit to enabling effective participation through transparent processes and by protecting the rights to freedom of expression, association, and assembly.

  • 情報へのアクセス権を再確認する事。透明性が確保された手続きを通して及び、表現・結社・集会の自由を保護して、実際の参加を可能にするのを約束せよ。

Re-affirm the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth disability, or other status and commit to work with renewed vigor to ensure that sustainable development aid reaches the most marginalized members of society.

  • 人種・肌の色・性・年齢・言語・宗教・政治的その他の意見・国あるいは社会的血統・保有資産・生まれながらの障がい・その他の地位を根拠にした差別を許さないという原則を再確認する事。持続可能な開発への援助が、社会の最も阻害された構成員に届くのを保証するための新たな活力と協力するのを約束せよ。

Actively promote women’s rights and gender equality through sustainable development policies, which include policies that ensure access to reproductive health services and information.

  • 性と生殖に関するサービスと情報へのアクセスを確保する政策を含む、持続可能な開発政策を通して、女性の権利とジェンダー平等を積極的に促進する事

Re-affirm the human rights of indigenous peoples.

  • 先住民の人権を再確認する事

Re-affirm that businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights, wherever they operate, to exercise due diligence to assess, prevent, and mitigate their impact on human rights and the environment, and to provide an accessible remedy if abuses occur.

  • 如何なる場所で活動する場合でも、企業は人権を尊重し、人権と環境に対するその影響を評価・防止・最小限化し、人権侵害が起こった場合アクセス可能な救済策を提供する責任を有しているのを再確認する事

Amnesty International’s Director of Demand Dignity Campaign Savio Carvalho said, “Unless governments as well as businesses and international institutions stop sacrificing human rights at the altar of development, marginalization, discrimination, and injustice will continue unabated.”


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