
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ナイジェリア:生存者を保護し虐殺報道を徹底的に調査せよ



(Dakar、January 23, 2010) - Nigeria's vice president should order an immediate criminal investigation into credible reports of a massacre of at least 150 Muslim residents of a town in central Nigeria, Human Rights Watch said today.


The killings, allegedly by groups of men armed with knives, machetes, and guns, were in the town of Kuru Karama, 30 kilometers south of the city of Jos in Plateau State in central Nigeria.

虐殺は、ナイジェリア中央部のプラトー(Plateau)州にあるジョス市(Jos)の南30kmにあるクル・カラマ(Kuru Karama)で、ナイフ・ナタ・銃で武装した男の集団によって行われたと伝えられている。

"Something extremely serious has happened in the town," said Corinne Dufka, senior West Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. "The authorities need to act now both to bring those behind these heinous crimes to justice and to protect both the survivors and those at risk of renewed violence."


Witnesses interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that groups of armed men attacked the largely Muslim population of Kuru Karama around 10 a.m. on January 19, 2010. After surrounding the town, they hunted down and attacked Muslim residents, some of whom had sought refuge in homes and a local mosque, killing many as they tried to flee and burning many others alive. The witnesses said they believed members of the armed groups to be Christians.


Community leaders from Jos and journalists who visited the town under military escort later in the week told Human Rights Watch that they saw bodies, including several charred corpses of young children and babies, strewn around town, including dozens stuffed down wells or in sewage pits. According to a Muslim official who visited the town to arrange for burial of the bodies, 121 have been recovered so far, including the bodies of 22 young children. The official told Human Rights Watch that corpses are still lodged in 16 wells. Journalists and community leaders who visited the town said that nearly all of the homes and the three main mosques were burned and destroyed.


One of the town's Muslim imams wounded in the attack told Human Rights Watch that a Christian pastor tried to stop the attack but was beaten by the armed mob. There are conflicting reports of the police response. One witness reported that at least one police officer participated in the attack, while another said the police abandoned their post shortly before the violence began. Witnesses said the killings took place throughout the day, without police intervention to stop the violence, despite repeated calls to the police.


The Plateau State police commissioner, Greg Anyating, told Human Rights Watch that the reported death tolls in Plateau State were false, and the police would issue "correct figures" on the number of dead in a few days, following an inquiry.

プラトー州警察長官のグレグ・アンヤティン(Greg Anyating)はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、プラトー州の犠牲者数は間違いであり、調査の後数日内に死亡者数の「正確な数字」を公表する、と述べた。

In a televised address to the nation on January 21, Vice President Goodluck Jonathan, the acting president, pledged that the perpetrators of the violence in Plateau State and their sponsors would not evade justice. "The federal government is determined to secure convictions of the perpetrators of this crime, no matter how highly placed," he said.

1月21日の国民向けテレビ演説で、グッドラック・ジョナサン(Goodluck Jonathan)副大統領、大統領代行は、プラトー州での暴動の犯人とそのスポンサーを、法の正義から逃がさないことを誓い、「連邦政府は、この犯罪の犯人を、その者の地位のいかんに関らず断罪するよう固く決意している。」と語った。

"Vice President Jonathan's statement that the perpetrators will be prosecuted is a start," Dufka said. "But now he needs to make sure the police conduct an immediate and impartial investigation."


Nigeria is deeply divided along ethnic and religious lines. More than 13,500 people have died in religious or ethnic clashes since the end of military rule in 1999. In Plateau State, an unprecedented outbreak of violence in Jos claimed as many as 1,000 lives in September 2001; more than 700 people died in May 2004 in inter-communal clashes in the town of Yelwa in the southern part of the state; and at least 700 people were killed in the violence in Jos on November 28 and 29, 2008. Human Rights Watch documented 133 cases of unlawful killings by members of the security forces in responding to the 2008 violence.


The latest outbreak started in Jos on January 17 and quickly spread to neighboring communities, including Kuru Karama. There are conflicting reports of what triggered the Jos violence. Civil society leaders reported that it began with an argument over the rebuilding of a Muslim home destroyed in the November 2008 violence in a predominately Christian neighborhood. Police Commissioner Greg Anyating said the trigger was an attack by Muslim youth on Christian worshippers in the Nassarawa Gwom district of Jos, which Muslim leaders deny. There are also several credible reports that the military and police used excessive force against both Christians and Muslims in responding to the violence.

先頃の武力衝突は1月17日にジョスで始まり、急速にクル・カラマを含む周辺コミュニティーに拡大した。ジョスの武力衝突の発端については食い違った報道がされている。市民運動指導者は、2008年に起きた武力衝突の際に、キリスト教徒が大多数を占める近隣で破壊された、イスラム教徒の一軒の家の再建築に関する口論から始まった、と伝えている。グレグ・アンヤティン警察長官は、ジョスのナッサラワ・グーム(Nassarawa Gwom)地区のキリスト教信者にイスラム教徒の若者が襲撃を加えたのが発端である、と述べているが、イスラム教指導者はそれを否定している。武力衝突に対応した軍と警察がキリスト教徒とイスラム教徒の両方に過度な武力を行使した、という幾つかの信頼性の高い報告もある。

Muslim leaders in Plateau State reported today that at least 364 Muslims have been killed in Jos and surrounding communities, including 187 of the dead that have been taken to the Jos central mosque for burial. A Christian leader told Human Rights Watch today that the Christian Association of Nigeria is still compiling figures on the number of Christians killed.


In December 2008, President Umaru Yar'Adua set up a panel to investigate the 2008 Jos violence, but the panel only began hearings in December 2009. The Plateau State governor, Jonah Jang, also formed a commission of inquiry, which held hearings but did not investigate alleged abuses by security forces. The commission's report, submitted to the state governor in October 2009, has not been made public.

2008年12月、ウマル・ヤラドゥア(Umaru Yar'Adua)大統領は2008年にジョスで起きた武力衝突を調査する委員会を設立したが、その委員会は2009年12月に審問を開始したばかりだった。プラトー州知事ジョナー・ジャン(Jonah Jang)も調査委員会を作ったが、治安部隊によって行われたと疑われている人権侵害を調査しなかった。同委員会の報告は2009年10月に州知事に提出されているが、一般に公開されていない。

Human Rights Watch said the government should also take concrete steps to end the discriminatory policies that treat certain groups as second-class citizens and lie at the root of much of the inter-communal violence in Nigeria. Government policies that discriminate against "non-indigenes" - people who cannot trace their ancestry to those said to be the original inhabitants of an area - underlie many of these conflicts. Non-indigenes are openly denied the right to compete for government jobs and academic scholarships. In Jos and in Kuru Karama, members of the largely Muslim Hausa ethnic group are classified as non-indigenes though many have lived there for several generations.


Human Rights Watch also called on the federal government to pass legislation prohibiting government discrimination against non-indigenes in all matters that are not purely cultural or related to traditional leadership institutions.














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