(New York, June 1, 2011) – The Chinese government’s refusal to take responsibility for the massacre of unarmed civilians in June 1989 laid the foundation for the state impunity behind the current crackdown on dissent, Human Rights Watch said today.
For 22 years, the Chinese government has covered up the Tiananmen massacre and persecuted survivors, victims’ relatives, and those who challenge the government’s narrative of June 1989. That repression and its aftermath paved the way for the pre-emptive crackdown on activists and critics in the wake of the popular uprisings in the Middle East this year, Human Rights Watch said.
“The Chinese government’s efforts to silence perceived sources of ‘instability’ since mid-February are eerily reminiscent of the campaign of denial about the Tiananmen massacre,” said Sophie Richardson, Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “By refusing to repudiate the military crackdown on June 4, 1989, the Chinese government effectively says that the same brutal strategy remains on the table.”
「2月中旬以降、中国政府は “不安定”要因と認識した者を沈黙させようと躍起となっているが、それは天安門の虐殺を否定すべく行ってきたキャンペーンを、薄気味悪いほど思い出させるものである。1989年6月4日の軍による弾圧と縁を切るのを拒絶することで、中国政府は同じく残虐な方策が用意され続けていることを事実上表明しているのだ。」とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、アジア・アドボカシー局長のソフィー・リチャードソンは語っている。
Just weeks after the Chinese dissident writer Liu Xiaobo became the world’s sole imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize laureate in December 2010, the Chinese leadership began an assault against government critics. Since February 16, 2011, dozens of lawyers, civil society activists, and bloggers have been detained on criminal charges by state authorities, while at least 20 others have been the victims of enforced disappearance. Between 100 and 200 other people have been subjected to an array of repressive measures, ranging from police summonses to house arrests. The government has also tightened internet censorship, forced several liberal newspaper editors to step down, and imposed new restrictions on foreign media reporting in Beijing.
The Tiananmen Mothers, a nongovernmental group of relatives of Tiananmen massacre victims that has compiled a list of at least 203 people killed in the June 1989 crackdown, issued an essay on May 31, 2011, linking the Tiananmen killings and subsequent cover-up to China’s current wave of repression. “The situation since February of this year has been the worst since June Fourth,” an English-language translation says. “It has been the harshest period since June 4, 1989. Silence has reigned across the country.”
「天安門の母たち(Tiananmen Mothers)」は、1989年6月の弾圧で殺害された少なくとも203名の人々の名簿を作成してきた、天安門虐殺事件犠牲者の親族で構成する非政府団体である。この団体が2011年5月31日に天安門大量虐殺と中国で現在行われている弾圧の数々を結びつけるエッセイを発行した。「今年2月以降の状況はあの6月4日以来最悪の状況である。1989年6月4日以来最も厳しい時期を迎え、沈黙がこの国の全域を支配している。」とそのエッセイ英語版は述べている。
The Tiananmen massacre was precipitated by mass gatherings of workers, students, and others in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square and other cities in April 1989 to demonstrate peacefully for a pluralistic political system. The government responded to the intensifying protests in late May 1989 by declaring martial law and authorizing the military to use deadly force.
In response, units of the Chinese military in Beijing and other cities on and around June 3 and 4 shot and killed an untold number of unarmed civilians, many of whom were not connected to the protests. Some people attacked army convoys and burned vehicles as the military moved through Beijing. The 1989 crackdown extended to major urban centers across China and included the arrests of thousands of people on charges of fomenting “counter-revolution” and on criminal charges, including disrupting social order and arson.
The Chinese government has refused to account for those killings or to bring the perpetrators to justice. The Chinese Communist Party initially justified the bloody crackdown as a valid response to a “counter-revolutionary incident,” later revising its assessment to say it was a “political disturbance.” The Chinese government has flatly refused to issue a list of those killed, “disappeared,” or imprisoned, and has never published verifiable casualty figures. The government has also consistently stifled any public discussion of the June 1989 massacre and its aftermath.
The estimated dozen or so Chinese citizens still imprisoned in connection to the events of June 1989 include Miao Deshun (苗德顺) , who was 25 years old when arrested that year on arson charges in connection with the protests. Fellow prisoners have said that Miao strongly resisted admitting guilt and was frequently beaten by guards. Miao’s sentence will not be completed until September 15, 2018.
推定10名余りの中国人市民が1989年6月の事件に関連して今尚投獄されている。その1人、苗德顺(Miao Deshun)氏は抗議運動に関連した放火容疑で同年に逮捕され時に25歳だった。苗氏は有罪を認める事に強く抵抗し、度々看守に暴行されていたと、囚人仲間は話している。苗氏に下された懲役刑は2018年9月15日まで満了とならない見込みである。
Chinese citizens who remain “disappeared” since mid-February 2011 and thus denied the protection of due legal process and are highly vulnerable to torture in custody, include:
Ceng Renguang (曾仁广), a Beijing-based human rights activist, missing since February 22
Hu Di (胡荻), a Beijing-based blogger and writer, missing since March 13
Hu Mingfen (胡明芬), an artist and accountant to activist Ai Weiwei, missing since April 8
Lan Ruoyu (蓝若宇), a Chongqing-based graduate student, missing since February 27
Liu Dejun (刘德军), a Beijing-based blogger, missing since February 27
Liu Shihui (刘士辉), a Guangzhou-based human rights lawyer, who disappeared after being brutally beaten by a group of unidentified people at a bus stop on February 20
Liu Zhenggang (刘正刚), a designer who works with Ai Weiwei, missing since around April 1
Wen Tao (文涛), a former journalist and Ai Weiwei’s assistant, missing since April 3
Yuan Xinting (袁新亭), a Guangzhou-based editor and activist, missing since early March
Zhang Haibo (张海波), a Shanghai-based blogger, missing since February 20
Zhang Jinsong (张劲松), Ai Weiwei’s driver, missing since April 10
Zhang Yongpan (张永攀), a Beijing-based legal activist, missing since April 14
Zhou Li (周莉), a Beijing-based activist, missing since March 27
Zou Guilan (邹桂兰), a Wuhan-based petitioner, missing since April 17
胡明芬氏:活動家である艾未未 氏の会計士兼芸術家、4月18日以降行方不明
蓝若宇氏: 重慶市を拠点とする大学卒業生、2月27日以降行方不明
刘德军氏: 北京を拠点とするブロッガー、 2月27日以降行方不明
刘士辉氏: 広州市を拠点とする人権派弁護士、 2月20日にバス停で正体不明の集団に激しい暴行を受けた後行方不明
文涛氏: 元ジャーナリスト兼艾未未氏のアシスタント、 4月3日以降行方不明
袁新亭氏:広州市を拠点とする編集者兼活動家, 4月初旬以降行方不明
张海波氏: 上海市を拠点とするブロッガー、 2月20日以降行方不明
张永攀氏: 北京を拠点とする法曹活動家、4月14日以降行方不明
周莉氏氏: 北京を拠点とする活動家、3月27日以降行方不明
邹桂兰氏:武漢市を拠点とする請願者、 4月17日以降行方不明
“The recent crackdown speaks volumes for the Chinese government’s contempt for rule of law, and the heavy-handed responses to protests in Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and elsewhere show the government is no more willing than it was two decades ago to peacefully resolve popular discontent,” Richardson said. “There is little reason to believe the lethal response to peaceful protests in 1989 could not happen again.”