
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ トルクメニスタン:拘束中の活動家を釈放せよ



 (Moscow, October 23, 2009) – Turkmen authorities should immediately release an activist arrested on what appears to be politically motivated grounds, Human Rights Watch said today. Andrei Zatoka, a well known environmental activist, was detained on October 20, 2009, in Dashoguz, Turkmenistan.

(モスクワ、2009年10月23日)-トルクメニスタン当局は、政治的と見られる動機を根拠に逮捕した活動家を、直ちに釈放するべきである、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。有名な環境保護活動家アンドレイ・ザトカ(Andrei Zatoka)は2009年10月20日トルクメニスタンのダショグズ(Dashoguz)で拘束された。

Zatoka’s acquaintances told the Russian human rights group Memorial Human Rights Center that Zatoka was attacked by a man without warning while shopping for food at about 11 a.m. at a market in Dashoguz. When Zatoka tried to get away from the man and turned to two police officers nearby to report the incident, the policemen proceeded to arrest Zatoka. He had apparently never met the man who struck him and had absolutely no reason to engage in an altercation with him.


“Zatoka’s arrest appears to be a clear move by Turkmen authorities to stifle his activism,” said Rachel Denber, Europe and Central Asia deputy director at Human Rights Watch. “Authorities should let him go at once and drop any charges against him.”


Zatoka is being held as “a person under suspicion” in the attack, which appears to have been staged. He told his acquaintances by phone that the city police department had at first indicated it would let him go, but then informed him that he was under suspicion for causing injuries of “medium severity” to a passer-by and faces criminal charges that could land him in prison.

ザトカは捏造されたと思われる、襲撃 “容疑者”として拘束されている。彼は電話で知人に、「市の警察署に最初釈放するとそれとなく言われていたが、今は通行人に“重傷”を負わせたという疑いを掛けられており、懲役刑に処される可能性のある刑事犯罪容疑で起訴されると知らされた。」と語っているそうだ。

A forensic medical exam performed on the alleged victim reportedly confirmed that his wrist had been broken and that he had a concussion. Zatoka has apparently been able to speak with his lawyer.


The October 20 arrest was not the first time Zatoka has been targeted by Turkmen authorities. On December 17, 2006, he was seized by police on a flight to Ashgabad and charged with two violations of Turkmenistan’s criminal code (Article 287 – illegal acquisition, sale, storage, transportation, delivery or possession of weapons, ammunition, explosive substances or devices, and Article 302 – illegal transactions with strong or poisonous substances) in what also appeared to be a politically motivated prosecution in retaliation for his civic activism. He was given a suspended sentence and released on January 31, 2007.



In February 2008, Turkmen authorities told Zatoka that they had barred him from traveling outside the country, but he was given no reason for the restriction. That spring, the Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights, a Turkmen human rights organization in-exile, reported that Turkmen special services had intensified pressure against Zatoka in an effort to make him stop his activism.


Zatoka had traveled to Ashgabad on a number of occasions in an effort to get the travel ban against him lifted, most recently in September. He had also recently written a complaint to the authorities about the pressure he had been facing from local police and security services.

ザトカは彼への渡航禁止措置を撤回させようとして度々アシュガバードを訪れていて、最近では9月にも行っている。 彼は又先頃、地元の警察と治安維持機関から受けている圧力について当局宛の異議申し立てを書いていた。

Independent nongovernmental organizations and news media cannot operate openly, if at all, in Turkmenistan, and authorities frequently target activists. Human Rights Watch is aware of numerous instances in which independent activists and journalists have been subjected to threats and harassment by security services.


Zatoka, a biologist, co-founded the Dashoguz Ecological Club in 1992. A Turkmen court closed the organization in 2003 in connection with the politically motivated imprisonment of its other co-founder, Farid Tukhbatullin. Tukhbatullin was released in April 2003 following an international campaign on his behalf and has since lived in exile in Austria where he heads the Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights. Zatoka has continued environmental activism in Turkmenistan, mostly by serving as an expert on the environment for Counterpart Consortium, a USAID-funded organization.

ザトカは生物学者で1992年にダショグズ・エコロジカル・クラブ(Dashoguz Ecological Club)を共同設立した。トルクメニスタン裁判所は2003年に同団体を、もう1人の共同設立者ファリド・ツクバツリン(Farid Tukhbatullin)を政治的動機で投獄したことに関連して閉鎖した。 ツクバツリンのために国際的な運動が起きた後、彼は2003年に釈放され、以来オースリアで亡命生活を送りつつ、「トルクメニスタン・イニシャティブ・フォー・ヒューマン・ライツ」の代表を務めている。ザトカは米国国際開発庁(USAID)の資金援助団体であるカウンターパート・コンソーティアム(Counterpart Consortium)の環境専門家として主に勤めながら、トルクメニスタンで環境保護活動を続けてきた。

Human Rights Watch called on Turkmenistan’s international partners, in particular the United States and European Union governments, to urge Turkmenistan to free Zatoka immediately and to undertake urgently needed human rights reforms.


“International actors have placed high hopes on Turkmenistan’s government as committed to reform,” said Denber. “But Zatoka’s arrest and other steps backward in recent months unfortunately prove them wrong and call for redoubled efforts to press for urgent improvements.

“国際的役回りを担う国々は改革を行うと約束したトルクメニスタン政府に大きな期待を抱いた。”とデンバーは語った。“しかしザトカの逮捕と最近数ヶ月の間に起きた他の後退を示す事件は、不幸にもその期待が間違っていたことを明らかにしている。 又、この事件は改革を至急行うよう働きかける、活動の強化を求める結果ともなっている。”

The European Union recently upgraded relations with Turkmenistan through the conclusion of an Interim Trade Agreement and is looking to enhance them further with the conclusion of a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement in the near future. Both agreements contain a so-called human rights clause, committing the parties to “respect for democracy and fundamental and human rights” and providing for possible suspension should either party violate this principle.

EUは先頃トルクメニスタンとの関係を、暫定貿易協定(Interim Trade Agreement)の締結を通じて強化し、近い将来に連携協力協定(Partnership and Cooperation Agreement)を締結して、更なる関係強化を図っている。両協定ともにいわゆる人権条項を含んでおり“民主主義と基本的人権の遵守” を締結国に約束させ、この原則にどちらかが違反した場合、協定が停止される可能性を規定している。

The partnership agreement has yet to be ratified by the parliaments of the United Kingdom and France. Turkmenistan’s president, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, is expected to travel to France on a state visit next month.


Turkmenistan remains one of the most repressive and authoritarian countries in the world. Berdymukhamedov came to power in December 2006 after the death of the self-declared president-for-life, Saparmurat Niazov. In the first year of his presidency, Berdymukhamedov took some measures to dismantle some of the most excessive and ruinous social policies of his predecessor, but these did not result in any genuine reforms affecting human rights. Hundreds of people, perhaps more, languish in Turkmen prisons following unfair trials on what appeared to be politically motivated charges. Draconian restrictions on freedom of expression, association, assembly, movement, and religion remain in place.

トルクメニスタンは世界で最も弾圧的で独裁的な国の1つである。ベルディムハメドフは2006年12月に自身で終身大統領を宣言していたサバルムラト・ニヤゾフ(Saparmurat Niazov)が死亡した後、政権を掌握した。政権に就いて1年目、ベルディムハメドフは前任者の最も極端でかつ破壊的な社会政策の一部を破棄するために手段を講じたが、人権保護に影響を与えるような真の改革は何1つもたらさなかった。数百人、もしかしたらそれ以上の人々が、政治的動機に基づいて起訴されたと思われる不公正な裁判の後、トルクメニスタンの刑務所で苦しんでいる。表現・結社・集会・移動・宗教に対する極めて厳しい制約が今も残り続けている。

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