Q & A:前ペルー大統領アルベルト・フジモリの裁判
- 前ペルー大統領アルベルト・フジモリに対して何が変わったのか?
What are the charges against Former President Alberto Fujimori of Peru?
On September 20, 2007, the Chilean Supreme Court authorized the extradition of Fujimori to Peru to face prosecution on a number of charges relating to serious violations of human rights, abuse of power and corruption. The charges fall into three sets of offenses, to be prosecuted in three separate trials.
The current trial involves charges of human rights abuses related to four events: the Barrios Altos massacre in November 1991, in which 15 people, including one child, were killed; the disappearance and later killing of nine students and a professor from Cantuta University in July 1992; and the kidnappings of Gustavo Gorriti, a journalist, and Samuel Dyer, a businessman. The two killings, Barrios Altos and Cantuta, were carried out by a secret Army intelligence unit known as the "Colina unit." Fujimori is alleged to be responsible for the killings committed by the unit.
The prosecutors closed their final arguments on January 28, 2009. A panel of judges from the Criminal Chamber of Peru's Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision in upcoming weeks.
- 起訴を支える、どのような周知の証拠があるのか?
What kind of public evidence exists to support the charges?
There is considerable documentation available in the public sphere that supports the charges against Fujimori-both the factual events surrounding the crimes and the alleged links to Fujimori.
The existence of the "Colina unit" and its link to atrocities including the killings at Barrios Altos and Cantuta have been extensively documented by human rights organizations and Peru's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which investigated the violence in Peru between 1980 and 2000 and published its report in August 2003. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights also examined the Cantuta killings (La Cantuta v. Peru) and accepted in its judgment of November 26, 2006 that there had been systematic and generalized practices of illegal and arbitrary detentions, torture, extra-legal executions and enforced disappearances during the relevant period of the Cantuta killings in 1992 and that the Colina unit was responsible for the killings.
フジモリの“コリナ部隊”への関与ついては、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが2005年の報告書“相当な理由:証拠はフジモリ関与を示唆”で説明した様に、入手した証拠は“コリナ部隊”が、武装集団「輝く道」(シャイニング・パス)のメンバーであると疑われる者の“除去”作戦を行うために、高官の知るところ及び許可のもと、計画的に軍および情報機関内部に設立された事を示している。証拠には “コリナ部隊”員の供述もあり、又 “コリナ部隊”に言及し、同部隊を軍情報機関にとって不可欠な存在として取り扱っている、軍の情報記録である膨大な公式書類も含まれていた。同部隊員は軍情報将校トップの命令で指名され・転属され・任務を課され・統制されていた。
With respect to Fujimori's links to Colina, as Human Rights Watch explained in its 2005 report, "Probable Cause: Evidence Implicating Fujimori," the available evidence indicates that the Colina unit was set up intentionally within the military and intelligence systems to conduct operations for "elimination" of suspected members of the Shining Path armed group, with the knowledge and approval of senior officials. The evidence includes statements by members of the Colina unit itself. It also includes numerous official documents from army intelligence records referring to the Colina unit and treating it as an integral part of the army intelligence structure, the members of which were assigned, transferred, tasked, and disciplined on the orders of top military intelligence officials.
“コリナ部隊”は、フジモリが軍に強く支配していた時機に活動していて、軍の支援のもと、国会を閉鎖し、政府を完全に支配下に納める“自作自演のクーデター”まで行った。この文脈で、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、 “コリナ部隊”の存在(特に大々的に報道されたバリオス・アルトス虐殺事件の後)を知らなかったという主張をするのは、フジモリにとって非常に困難なことである。フジモリが望めば、“コリナ部隊”の作戦を止めさせるだけの権力を持っていた事は明らかである、という結論に達した。
The Colina unit operated at a time when Fujimori exerted strong control over the Armed Forces, and even carried out a "self-coup," closing Congress and taking complete control of government with the backing of the Armed Forces. In this context, Human Rights Watch concluded that it would have been very difficult for Fujimori not to have known about the Colina unit's existence (particularly after the Barrios Altos killings, which were widely reported), and it is clear that Fujimori had the authority to stop its operations had he wanted to.
In addition, there are numerous pieces of evidence, including statements by Colina unit members and other members of the military, supporting the allegation that Fujimori knew of and authorized the operations of the unit and helped its members avoid real accountability through an Amnesty Law that permitted their release a year after they were first convicted.
Beyond the specific evidence that Fujimori knew of the Colina unit's operations and did not stop them, there is also extensive evidence, presented during the trial, that Fujimori was deeply involved in the design, development, and implementation of counterterrorism strategy in Peru. There is evidence that Fujimori gave the National Intelligence Service (Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional, or SIN) a key role in implementing that strategy, ordering that funds from the military be transferred to the SIN and installing his close adviser Vladimiro Montesinos as the de facto head of the SIN and as Fujimori's representative when dealing with the Armed Forces. In this manner, the evidence indicates, the SIN began to control the state's intelligence apparatus, providing for the creation of teams and units of the army. The Colina unit, while composed of members of the Army Intelligence Service, in fact operated closely with the SIN, according to another court ruling in the trial of the former SIN director, Gen. Julio Salazar Monroe, who was held responsible for some of the Colina unit's crimes. That court also found that the Colina unit was an operational unit that was tasked with "eliminating" suspected subversives.
Years before, for similar reasons, the TRC reached similar conclusions, stating that it "has reasonable grounds to affirm that President Alberto Fujimori, his adviser Vladimiro Montesinos, and high level officials of the National Intelligence Service are criminally responsible for the assassinations, forced disappearances and massacres perpetrated by the ‘Colina' death squad."
- 容疑を掛けられているフジモリの責任の範囲はどこまでか?
What is the alleged scope of Fujimori's responsibility?
検察官はフジモリがカントゥータとバリオス・アルトスの虐殺を知っていて認可したばかりでなく、これらの虐殺は、フジモリによって命令されたより広範で組織的な人権虐待政策の一環であると、論じてきた。そのような政策が公開若しくは法律に正式に記述されてはいない。 しかし、検察官は、それが対テロ戦略に国が適用した事実上の政策であり、その事実はTRCと多様な民間研究及び報道により取りまとめられてきた、軍による多くの虐待からも明白である、と主張している。検察官は、フジモリはこの政策の実行を命令したのであるから、国に属する組織された機構を通じての“間接正犯”として、バリオス・アルトスとラ・カントゥータ(殺人事件)の虐殺に対して、刑事責任を負うと主張している。間接正犯の概念は、中間物を通して犯罪を行う者に対する刑事責任に言及する。関係する概念にdominio del hechoがあって、これは国に属する組織された機構を通して刑事犯罪を支配することに指している。
Prosecutors have argued not only that Fujimori knew of and authorized the Cantuta and Barrios Altos killings, but also that these killings were part of a broader systematic policy of human rights abuse ordered by Fujimori. While such a policy was not public or formally written into law, prosecutors argue that it was the de facto policy that the state applied in its counterterrorism strategy and that this fact is evident from the many abuses by the military documented by the TRC and multiple other public studies and reports. Prosecutors argue that because Fujimori ordered the implementation of this policy, he bears criminal responsibility for the killings of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta (homicides) as an "autor mediato" through an organized apparatus of the state. The concept of autoría mediata refers to criminal responsibility for those who commit a crime through an intermediary. A related concept, dominio del hecho, refers to control over a criminal act through an organized apparatus of the state.
Both theories have already been applied by another Peruvian court in the related trial of Gen. Salazar Monroe, the former SIN director.
- 国際法のもとで、組織的かつ一般化された人権侵害業務があった、ということを立証するためには何が必要か?
What is required under international law to establish that there has been systematic and generalized practice of human rights violations?
Various international tribunals, including regional human rights courts that reach conclusions on state responsibility (such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights) as well as war crimes tribunals that determine individual criminal liability (such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda), have examined a wide range of situations in which they determined that there was a practice or policy of widespread human rights abuses.
幾つかの裁判では、法的規定や行政決定のような計画に対する記述された法的根拠の証拠があり、若しくは記述された法的根拠の必要ない公式指標の証拠があった。欧州人権裁判所は、その証拠を、“国家権力による(人権)と相容れない行為の繰り返し及び公的な寛容性(official tolerance)(を通しての)、行政業務(administrative practice)”と特定できると考えてきた。それらの裁判では、権力の中にいたものがそのような違反行為を知らなかったとは考えられず、従って違反行為に対して法的責任がある。
While in some cases there has been evidence of a written legal basis to the plan such as a legislative provision, an administrative decision, or official guidelines, such written legal basis is not necessary. The European Court of Human Rights has held that one can also identify "an administrative practice, [through] a repetition of acts incompatible with [human rights] and official tolerance by the State authorities". In these cases, it is inconceivable that those in authority did not know of the violations, and so bear liability for them.
In Ireland v. UK (judgment of 18 January 1978), the European Court defined a practice as consisting of "an accumulation of identical or analogous breaches which are sufficiently numerous and inter-connected to amount not merely to isolated incidents or exceptions but to a pattern or system."
欧州裁判所はまた、行政業務(administrative practice)を“合理的疑いを超える証明”として立証するために必要な立証基準を明確に採択したが、その様な立証は、十分に強力で明確なそれぞれが矛盾しない推論を併せ持ち、若しくは、同様に反論の余地のない事実推定を併せ持つところから得られるだろう、と注釈をつけた。
The court also explicitly adopted the standard of proof needed to establish an administrative practice as "beyond reasonable doubt" but noted that such proof may follow from the coexistence of sufficiently strong, clear, and concordant inferences or of similar unrefuted presumptions of fact.
欧州裁判所によって使われた公的な寛容性(official tolerance)という概念は、上司が、違反を知りながら、その行為に関しての責任を取るべき者を罰さない、若しくはその行為を繰り返す事を防止しない状況、若しくは、より地位の高い当局が、違反疑惑の真実若しくは虚偽に関して何の適切な調査も行わないで、無関心さを表明している状況にあてはまる。(初期判例フランス、ノルウェイ、デンマーク、スウェーデン、オランダ対トルコ裁判、1983年12月6日判決、判決及び報告書35、163-164ページ、ギリシア裁判、年報12、195-96ページ、トルコに対する後期判例、例えばアクディバルと他者対トルコ、1996年9月16日判決、報告書1996-IV、キプロス対トルコ、告訴番号2578/94 [2001] ECHR 331 [2001年5月10日])
The notion of "official tolerance" used by the European Court refers to a situation in which superiors, though aware of violations, refuse to take action to punish those responsible or to prevent their repetition, or in which a higher authority manifests indifference by refusing any adequate investigation of the truth or falsity of alleged violations. (See early cases, France, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands v. Turkey, decision of 6 December 1983, Decisions and Reports 35, pp. 163-64; the Greek case, Yearbook 12, pp. 195-96; and later cases against Turkey, such as Akdivar and Others v. Turkey, judgment of 16 September 1996, Reports 1996-IV, and Cyprus v. Turkey, Application No. 25781/94 [2001] ECHR 331 [10 May 2001]).
The question of whether a state has a systematic practice of violations of human rights has also come up in international criminal law, in the context of evaluating individual criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity. Therefore, it is useful to draw from these standards, even though the question of whether the abuses committed in Peru amount to crimes against humanity is not itself an issue in Fujimori's trial.
As a matter of international criminal law, a crime against humanity is committed when a prohibited act is carried out as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population. However, in order to establish that an offense amounts to a crime against humanity, the international criminal tribunals have held that it is not necessary to provide evidence of a formally adopted state policy-just that there is de facto a widespread or systematic attack.
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has on more than one occasion emphasized that the issue is not the existence of a formal policy-although such a policy would be strong evidence to support the systematic nature of attacks-but the reality on the ground (see the cases of Blaskic, Kunarac, Kordic and Cerkez). As the ICTY has pointed out, "if the acts occur on a widespread or systematic basis, that demonstrates a policy to commit those acts, whether formalized or not." In Limaj, the ICTY noted that it stands to reason that "the presence of a state policy [will most often be in evidence] when the acts in question are preformed against the backdrop of significant state action and where formal channels of command can be discerned."
旧ユーゴスラビア国際戦犯法廷(ICTY)によれば“組織的”攻撃とは暴力行為の組織性を指し、そこでは “同様な犯罪的行為が非事故的に繰り返されるという意味の” デタラメな攻撃は発生しりにくい。(ブラシュキッチ、コルディッチ、チェルケズその他の裁判参照)
According to the ICTY, a "systematic" attack refers to the organized nature of the acts of violence; the improbability of their random occurrence "in the sense of non-accidental repetition of similar criminal conduct" (see the cases of Kordic and Cerkez; Blaskic and others).
In the trial of Goran Jelisic, who was charged with genocide, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, violations of the laws or customs of war, and crimes against humanity committed in 1992 in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the ICTY held that factors to consider in determining whether there had been a widespread or systematic attack included: the existence of an acknowledged policy targeting a particular community; the establishment of parallel institutions meant to implement this policy; the involvement of high-level political or military authorities; the employment of considerable financial, military or other resources; and the scale or the repeated, unchanged, and continuous nature of the violence committed against a particular civilian population.
- 真実と和解委員会及びNGOの発見は組織的業務(systematic practices)の存在に関して、どのように関与しているのか?
How relevant will the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and nongovernmental organizations be regarding the existence of systematic practices?
International tribunals have regularly considered reports from different types of investigative bodies, intergovernmental organizations, and respected human rights organizations, or documents such as declassified government documents as admissible evidence. What weight is to be given to any such admissible evidence is a matter for the fact-finding body and the rules of evidence applicable in a jurisdiction.
There are no strict international rules on hearsay, though due process standards require that a defendant must have a meaningful opportunity to challenge the credibility of any evidence. For reports, one way this may be done is through testimony from a witness familiar with how the report was compiled. In the case of documents, there is usually a requirement that the documents be authenticated with respect to their origin and chain of custody, so that the court can be satisfied as to the reliability of the documents.
指摘したように、米州人権裁判所は以前、ラ・カントゥータ対ペル裁判―第Cシリーズ No. 162 [2006] IACHR 6(2006年11月29日)において、「真実と和解委員会」の証拠を採用した。欧州人権裁判所がしたように、国際戦犯法廷は、政府間機関及びNGO作成の人権レポートを法廷が採用する証拠として認めた。
As noted, the Inter-American Court has previously accepted the Truth Commission's evidence in La Cantuta v. Peru - Series C No. 162 [2006] IACHR 6 (29 November 2006). International criminal tribunals have accepted as admissible human rights reports from intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, as has the European Court of Human Rights.
- 同様の裁判で、法的責任に対するどんな国際的理論が、文民高官や国家元首に対して適用されてきたのか?
What international theories of liability have been applied to other senior civilian officials or heads of state in similar cases?
Under international law, as a former head of state Fujimori could be alleged to be responsible either through the theory of joint criminal enterprise, in which a suspect participates in a common plan that entails certain criminal acts, or under the doctrine of command responsibility, whereby a commander or official is responsible for crimes committed by someone under his or her control, if the commander knew (or should have known) that crimes were being committed and did nothing to stop them.
は、共同犯罪計画理論(JCE)を慣習的な国際法(タディッチ、控訴裁判、1999年7月15日、220項)の一環を構成する、法的責任のひな形である、と考えてきた。共同犯罪計画理論(JCE)は、集団犯罪行為を以下の3つのカテゴリーに分けている-“基礎”ここでは共犯者が全て同一の犯意を共有する(タディッチ、控訴裁判196項;クヴォツカ、控訴裁判2005年2月28日、82項参照)。“組織的” 第二次世界大戦時の強制収容所裁判における起訴での判例から発しているものの、そこに制限されない。ここで被告人は、弾圧組織についての認識を持ち、その施行に参加し、当該組織を促進する意図を持っている場合には、責任を問われる。“拡大”、ここでは共通の目的を超えて行われたものの、共通目的の結果として自然であり予見可能である、犯罪に対する責任を課す(タディッチ、控訴裁判204項;クヴォツカ、控訴裁判、83項参照;ヴァシリエヴィチ、控訴裁判、2004年2月25日、99項)。検察側は、被告人が共同犯罪目的に参加し貢献する意図があった、及び、犯罪が結果として発生可能性を知っていた、及び、にも拘らず危険を冒し参加する意思があった、事を立証する必要がある。