


 課題: 長期的又は重大問題への対処は、民主主義的プロセスからの切り離し

 課題: 重点取り組み課題の選定と定期的にレビューする制度の開発


 課題: 政策についての国民投票の実施


Problems and Issues in Japan's Political System
 (1) Weak ability to deal with long-term and important issues such as global warming.
Democracy is subject to large policy variations from one administration to the next, making it unsuitable for dealing with environmental issues, which require addressing long-term challenges.
 Challenge: Dealing with long-term or important issues must be often separated from the democratic process.

(2) Unable to adapt to the rapid changes of the times.
 Society is changing rapidly and diversifying, so responding to public opinion will mean being late to the problem. Problems need to be solved quickly, otherwise they will get bigger and spread, so this needs to be improved.
 Challenge: Selecting priority issues and developing a system for regular reviews.

(3) Policy consistency is not maintained.
When the administration changes, the policy on important measures may change. This leads to higher policy costs and lower performance.

(4) It is unable to respond to detailed policy needs.
politicians judge as if voting in support of the government means they agree with all of the policies the government intends to implement.
 Challenge: Holding national referendums on policies

(5) The public, especially the younger generation, has little interest in politics.
 To maintain popular sovereignty and democracy, political participation by younger people is more necessary than that of older people. Japan's long-term policies and directions should incorporate the opinions of younger people to a greater extent.





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