03:56 RT from web [ 5 RT ]
Experience is the best of schoolmaster, only the school-fees are heavy. Thomas Carlyle
19:51 RT from web [ 237 RT ]
Wise men are not always silent, but they know when to be.
(Inspirational Womenさんのツイート)
19:52 RT from web [ 15 RT ]
社会に出たら、自分の好きなことに意識を向けるのではなく、自分の役割と責任に意識を向けることが大切【20代に考えるべきこと、すべきこと】amzn.to/b1fz5n #meigen
by eric_motto on Twitter
Experience is the best of schoolmaster, only the school-fees are heavy. Thomas Carlyle
19:51 RT from web [ 237 RT ]
Wise men are not always silent, but they know when to be.
(Inspirational Womenさんのツイート)
19:52 RT from web [ 15 RT ]
社会に出たら、自分の好きなことに意識を向けるのではなく、自分の役割と責任に意識を向けることが大切【20代に考えるべきこと、すべきこと】amzn.to/b1fz5n #meigen
by eric_motto on Twitter