『日本書紀』綏靖天皇 2
及弓矢既成神渟名川耳尊欲以射殺手研耳命。會有手研耳命於片丘大 中獨臥于大牀。時渟名川耳尊謂神八井耳命曰。今適其時也。夫言貴密。事宜愼。故我之陰謀本無預者。今日之事唯吾與爾自行之耳。吾當先開 戸。爾其射之。因相随進入。神渟名川耳尊突開其戸。神八井耳命則手脚戰慄不能放矢。時神渟名川耳尊。掣取其兄所持弓矢。而射手研耳命。一發中胸。再發 中背。遂殺之。於是神八井耳命懣然自服。讓於神渟名川耳尊曰。吾是乃兄。而懦弱不能致果。今汝特挺神武。自誅元惡。宜哉乎。汝之光臨天位以承皇祖之業。吾當爲汝輔之奉典神祇者。是即多臣之始祖也。
When the preparations for the bow and arrows were complete, Emperor Suizei, also known as Kamununakawamimi no Mikoto, intended to shoot and kill his half-brother, Tagishimimino Mikoto. It happened that Tagishimimino Mikoto was alone, lying on a large bed in the inner room of Kataoka. At that moment, Suizei addressed Kamuyaimimino Mikoto, saying, “Now is the opportune moment. Matters of secrecy demand caution. Thus, our clandestine plot involves no one but us. I will open the door first, and you shall promptly shoot him. Let us proceed together.”
The two then entered the inner room together. Suizei abruptly pushed open the door, and Tagishimimino Mikoto, trembling and unable to release an arrow due to fear, found himself defenseless. Seizing the bow and arrows from his brother, Suizei shot Tagishimimino Mikoto, hitting him in the chest with the first arrow and in the back with the second, ultimately killing him. At that moment, Tagishimimino Mikoto, humbled, acknowledged Suizei, saying, “Though I am your elder brother, my timidity prevented me from achieving this resolution. Now, you, with your martial prowess, have avenged our grievances. It is fitting for you to ascend the imperial throne and inherit the legacy of our imperial ancestors. I shall assist you in fulfilling the rites of the gods.” Thus, Suizei became the founding ancestor of the Omi clan.
令和5年12月27日(水) 2023