『日本書紀』綏靖(すいぜい)天皇 1
Emperor Suizei, also known as Kamununakawamimi no Mikoto, was the third son of Emperor Jimmu. His mother was Princess Hime Tatara Isuzu Hime no Mikoto, the eldest daughter of the deity Kotoshironushi.
The Emperor possessed a dignified appearance, displaying a noble and imposing aura from a young age. His martial prowess exceeded that of others, and his aspirations leaned towards steadfastness and composure.
At the age of forty-eight, Emperor Jimmu passed away. During this time, Kamununakawamimi no Mikoto, with deep filial piety and sincere mourning, particularly devoted attention to the funeral arrangements. However, his half-brother, Tagishimimino Mikoto, older and experienced in court affairs, took advantage of the mourning period to seize power, harboring malicious intentions to harm his two younger brothers.
In the winter of the eleventh month, Emperor Suizei, along with his brother Kamuyaimimino Mikoto, secretly became aware of Tagishimimino Mikoto’s sinister plot. Upon completing the construction of the late Emperor’s mausoleum, they had bows crafted by Yuginowakahiko, true arrows forged by Yamatonokanuchiamatsumara, and arrows made by Yahagibe.
(Note: Some parts of the original text were unclear and marked with ‘■’, so I have left those sections blank.)
十一月の寒い日、神渟名川耳尊は兄である神八井耳命(かむやいみみのみこと)と共に、兄の陰謀を悟り、これを防ぐことに成功しました。先帝の陵墓が完成すると、弓部雅彦(ゆぎのわかひこ)に弓づくりを依頼し、倭鍛部天津真浦(やまとのかぬちあまつまら)には鹿を射る矢じりを作らせ、矢部(やはぎべ)には箭(せん やがら 矢)を造らせました。
令和5年12月27日(水) 2023