

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 推古天皇 20

『日本書紀』推古天皇 20



夜酒瀰志斯 和餓於朋耆瀰能 訶句理摩須 阿摩能椰蘇河礙 異泥多々須
瀰蘇羅烏瀰禮麼 豫呂豆余珥 訶句志茂餓茂 知余珥茂 訶句志茂餓茂
訶之胡瀰弖 菟伽陪摩都羅武 烏呂餓瀰弖 菟伽陪摩都羅武 宇多豆紀摩都流


摩蘇餓豫 蘇餓能古羅破 宇摩奈羅麼 譬武伽能古摩 多智奈羅麼 句禮能摩差比
宇倍之訶茂 蘇餓能古羅烏 於朋枳瀰能 菟伽破須羅志枳


In the summer of the nineteenth year, on the fifth day of the fifth month, a medicinal hunt (薬猟 kusurigari) was conducted in the Uda Plain (菟田野) of Yamato (大和). Before dawn, everyone gathered at the edge of the Fujiwara Pond (藤原池), and they set out at daybreak. Awada no Hoshime no Omi (粟田細目臣) was appointed as the commander of the front division, and Nukatabe no Hirafu no Muraji (額田部比羅夫連) was placed in charge of the rear division.

On this day, the clothing colors of the various retainers matched the colors of their ranks. Decorations were added to their headpieces as follows: the ranks of Greater Virtue (大徳) and Lesser Virtue (小徳) used gold; the ranks of Greater Benevolence (大仁) and Lesser Benevolence (小仁) used leopard tails; and ranks from Greater Rite (大礼) downward used bird tails.

In the eighth month of the same year, Silla (新羅) sent an envoy named Sadakbu Nama Hokushichi (沙喙部奈末北叱智), and Mimana (任那) sent Habbu Taisha Shinchi Shūchi (習部大舍親智周智). Together, they presented tribute to the court.

On the seventh day of the first month of the twentieth year, a banquet with sake was held for the court officials.

On this occasion, Soga no Umako (蘇我馬子), raising a cup, recited a song of congratulations:

“Yasumishishi, waga ōkimi no, kakurimasu, ama no yaso kage, idetatasu, misora wo mireba, yorozuyo ni, kakushimogamo, chiyo ni mo, kakushimokamo, chikashikomite, tsukaematsuramu, orogamite, tsukaematsuramu, utazuki matsuru.”

“O Great Lord who rules over the land so peacefully, residing in the vast palace of heaven, standing amidst the myriad shadows of the heavens. As I gaze upon the magnificent palace, I think, ‘May it stand like this for all eternity, for a thousand generations and more.’ Humbly and respectfully, I shall serve you, reverently and with devotion. This is the song I dedicate to you.”

In response, the Emperor sang:

“Masogayo, Soga no koraha, umanaraba, Himuka no koma, tachinaraba, Go no masahi, ube shikamo, Soga no korawo, ōkimi no, tsukahasurashiki.”

“Soga clan (蘇我), Soga clan! If you were a horse, you would be the famed horse of Himuka (日向); if you were a sword, you would be the renowned true blade of Go (呉). Truly, it is fitting that you serve the Great Lord in such an honorable way.”









令和7年1月9日(木) 2025





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