『日本書紀』推古天皇 19
In the winter of the 10th month, on the 8th day (己丑朔丙申), envoys from Silla (新羅, Shiragi) and Mimana (任那) arrived at the capital. On that same day, Nukatabe no Muraji Hirafu (額田部連 比羅夫) was appointed as the overseer of the ceremonial horses (荘馬, kazari uma) for the Silla delegation, while Kashiwade no Omi Otomo (膳臣 大伴) was given the same role for the Mimana delegation. The envoys were housed at the guest residence by the Ato River (阿刀河辺館, Ato no Kawabe no Murotsumi) in Yamato.
On the 9th day (丁酉), the envoys paid their respects to the imperial court. At this time, Hata no Miyatsuko Kawakatsu (秦造 河勝) and Hajibe no Muraji Usagi (土部連 菟) were appointed as guides for the Silla delegation, while Shihito no Muraji Shiofuta (間人連 塩蓋) and Abe no Omi Okokoro (阿閉臣 大籠) were assigned as guides for the Mimana delegation. Together, they escorted the envoys through the southern gate and led them into the imperial courtyard.
Once in the courtyard, Otomo no Kui no Muraji (大伴咋連), Soga no Toyura no Emishi no Omi (蘇我豊浦蝦夷 臣), Sakamoto no Arate no Omi (坂本糠手臣), and Abe no Toriko no Omi (阿倍鳥子臣) rose from their seats and prostrated themselves on the courtyard floor. The envoys from both countries then bowed deeply twice and delivered their respective messages of diplomacy.
The four senior courtiers (四大夫, maetsukimi) advanced and conveyed the messages to the minister (大臣, Oomi). The minister then rose from his seat, stood before the government hall, and listened to the reports. Afterward, gifts were bestowed upon the envoys, with each delegation receiving appropriate rewards.
On the 17th day (乙巳), the court hosted a banquet for the envoys. Kawachi no Aya no Atae Nie (河内漢直 贄) was assigned to accompany the Silla delegation, while Nishikiori no Obito Kusō (錦織首 久僧) performed the same role for the Mimana delegation.
On the 23rd day (辛亥), the formalities concluded, and the envoys departed for their respective countries.
冬十月八日(己丑朔丙申)、新羅(しらぎ)と任那(みまな)の使節が都に到着した。この日、額田部連 比羅夫(ぬかたべのむらじひらふ)が、新羅の使節を迎える荘馬(かざりうま)の長に任ぜられ、膳臣大伴(かしわでのおみおおとも)が任那の使節を迎える荘馬の長に任ぜられた。両国の使節は、大和国の阿刀(あと)の河辺(かわべ)の館(むろつみ)に迎えられた。
このとき、秦造 河勝(はたのみやつこ かわかつ)と土部連 菟(はじのむらじ うさぎ)が新羅の導者に任ぜられた。また、間人連 塩蓋(しひとのむらじ しおふた)と阿閉臣 大籠(あへのおみ おおこ)が任那の導者に任ぜられた。彼らはともに使節を南門から御所の庭へ案内し、庭に立たせた。
十七日(乙巳)、朝廷は使節を饗応した。この際、河内漢直 贄(かわちのあやのあたい にえ)が新羅の使節の相手役となり、錦織首 久僧(にしこりのおびと くそう)が任那の使節の相手役となった。
令和7年1月8日(水) 2025