

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 推古天皇 16

『日本書紀』推古天皇 16



On the third day of the eighth month in autumn (癸卯), the guests from Tang (唐, Tō) entered the capital. On that day, 75 decorated horses (飾馬, kazari-uma) were sent to greet the Tang guests on the road at Tsubaki-ichi (海石榴市, Tsubaki Market). Nukatabe no Muraji Hirafu (額田部連 比羅夫) gave formal greetings on behalf of the court.

On the twelfth day (壬子), the guests were summoned to the imperial court and allowed to deliver their mission’s purpose. Abe no Tori no Omi (阿倍鳥臣) and Mononobe no Yosami no Muraji Idaki (物部依網連 抱) were assigned as their guides. Tribute items from Tang were placed in the courtyard. The envoy, HaiSeisei(Pei Shiqing 裴世清), personally carried the imperial letter, bowed twice, and presented the mission’s message while standing respectfully.

The letter stated, “The Emperor sends greetings to the Emperor of Wa (倭皇, Yamato no Sumeramikoto). The emissaries, including Chief Delegate Dai Rei Soin Kō (大禮 蘇因高), have conveyed your intentions well. I, who humbly bear the heavenly mandate, oversee the entire realm. With a desire to extend moral virtues and spread harmony to all living beings, my care for others knows no boundaries, regardless of distance.

I have learned that Your Majesty governs beyond the sea, cherishing your people, maintaining peace within your borders, and fostering harmony among them. Your deep sincerity in offering tribute from afar is known and appreciated. I value this earnest devotion greatly.

The seasons are now gradually warming, and I remain in good health. Therefore, I send Pei Shiqing, an officer of the Honglu Temple (鴻臚寺, Kōroji) responsible for foreign guests, to deliver this message on my behalf. Along with it, I send the accompanying gifts listed separately.”

At that time, Abe no Tori no Omi stepped forward to receive the letter and handed it to Ōtomo no Kui no Muraji (大伴囓連), who welcomed it and placed it on a desk before the Emperor. The ceremony concluded, and the participants withdrew.

During the ceremony, imperial princes, various nobles, and officials wore golden ornaments on their crowns and donned robes made of brocade, purple fabric, embroidery, or fine textiles in five colors. According to another account, the colors of their robes matched their official ranks.

On the sixteenth day (丙辰), the guests from Tang were hosted at a banquet in the imperial court.


秋八月三日(癸卯)、唐の客人が都へ入った。この日、飾馬(かざりうま)七十五匹を派遣し、唐の客人を海石榴市(つばきいち)の路上で迎えた。額田部連 比羅夫(ぬかたべのむらじひらふ)が朝廷を代表して挨拶の言葉を述べた。

十二日(壬子)、客人を朝廷に召して、彼らの使命の趣旨を奏上させられた。この際、阿倍鳥臣(あべのとりのおみ)と物部依網連 抱(もののべのよさみのむらじ いだき)の二名が客人の案内役を務めた。唐の国からの進物が庭上に置かれた。使者の裴世清(はいせいせい)は、自ら書状を持参し、二度再拝(深く二度頭を下げる礼)して、遣いの旨を言上した。

「皇帝は倭皇(やまとのすめらみこと)にご挨拶を申し上げる。使者である長吏大礼蘇因高(ちょうりだいらい そいんこう 妹子)らが訪れ、貴意をよく伝えてくれた。我は天命を受け、天下を治めている者である。徳を広め、その恩恵を万物に行き渡らせたいと願い、すべての生き物を慈しみ育む心は、遠近を問わず変わらない。

天皇が海の彼方において民を慈しみ、国内を平和に治め、人々が和やかに暮らしていること、さらに深い誠意をもって遠く朝貢してくださることを知った。このようなねんごろな真心を、我は非常に喜んでいる。季節はようやく暖かくなり、我も無事である。そこで、鴻臚寺(こうろじ)の掌客(しょうかく 外国使節の接待役)である裴世清を遣わし、送使の意を伝えさせるとともに、別紙に記載された贈り物をお届けする。」




令和7年1月4日(土) 2025





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