『日本書紀』安閑天皇 1
The Emperor Magari no Ōe Hirokuni Oshitake Kanahi (勾大兄広国押武金日天皇) was the eldest son of Emperor Keitai (継体天皇). His mother was known as Menokohime (目子媛). From a young age, this emperor showed remarkable talent and had an immeasurable capacity. He was known for his great martial strength, generosity, and character fitting for a ruler.
In the spring of the 25th year, on the 7th day of the 2nd month (辛丑朔丁未), Emperor Keitai (継体天皇) made Emperor Ankan (安閑天皇) ascend to the throne. On the same day, Emperor Keitai passed away.
That month, Ōtomo no Kanamura (大伴大連金村) continued to serve as Ōmuraji (大連 minister of state), and Mononobe no Arakahi (物部麁鹿火) was also confirmed in his position as Ōmuraji (大連).
In the first year of Emperor Ankan’s reign, during the spring, in the first month, the capital was relocated to Kanahashi in Yamato Province (倭国, 大倭国), in the area around Magari (曲川 present-day Kashihara City). The palace was named after this location.
On the 6th day of the 3rd month (癸未朔戊子), officials arranged for the Emperor to marry Kasuga no Yamada Hime (春日山田皇女), the daughter of Emperor Ninken (仁賢天皇), making her Empress. She was also known as Yamada Akami Hime (山田赤見皇女).
Additionally, three other consorts were appointed: Satehime (紗手媛), daughter of Kose no Omi no Otoko (許勢男人大臣); Kakarime (香香有嫒), younger sister of Satehime; and Yakahime (宅媛), daughter of Mononobe no Itabi no Ōmuraji (物部木蓮子大連).
継体天皇は、廿五年目の春、二月七日(辛丑朔丁未 しんちゅうさくていび)に安閑天皇(あんかんてんのう)を即位させられました。同じ日に、継体天皇は崩御された。
元年の春一月、安閑天皇は都を大倭国(やまとのくに)の勾金橋(まがりのかなはし 現在の橿原市曲川周辺)に遷都された。この地にちなんで宮の名とされた。
三月六日(癸未朔戊子 きびさくぼし)、天皇のために役人が仁賢天皇(にんけんてんのう)の娘である春日山田皇女(かすがのやまだのひめみこ)に婚礼の贈り物を送り、彼女を皇后として迎えられた。皇后は山田赤見皇女(やまだのあかみのひめみこ)とも呼ばれていた。
令和6年9月27日(金) 2024