

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 敏達天皇 18

『日本書紀』敏達天皇 18






The Emperor sought to restore Mimana (任那) and selected Prince Sakata Mimiko (坂田耳子王) as his envoy. However, at that time, both the Emperor and the Ōmuraji (大連, a high-ranking official) were suddenly afflicted by smallpox (疱瘡). Consequently, the mission was canceled.

The Emperor issued an edict to Tachibana Toyohi no Miko (橘豊日皇子, later Emperor Yōmei):
“Do not neglect the policies for restoring Mimana, as they align with the commands of the previous emperor.”

Smallpox spread widely throughout the country, and many perished. Those afflicted lamented their suffering, crying out in agony:
“My body feels as though it is being burned, struck, and crushed!”

As they wailed and passed away, both the elderly and the young whispered among themselves:
“This must be divine retribution for the sin of burning Buddhist statues.”

In the summer, during the sixth month, Soga no Umako no Sukune (蘇我馬子宿禰) reported to the court, “My illness is severe, and I have yet to recover. Without seeking the power of the Buddha, I fear it will be difficult to heal.”

In response, the Emperor issued an edict to Umako, “You alone may practice the Buddhist teachings, but do not let anyone else follow them.”

Three Buddhist nuns were then returned to Umako’s care. Delighted, Umako expressed his gratitude and revered the three nuns. He constructed a new temple, enshrined Buddhist statues, and performed offerings in devotion.

In another account, it is said that Mononobe no Yuge no Moriya no Ōmuraji (物部弓削守屋大連), Ōmiwa no Sakau no Kimi (大三輪逆君), and Nakatomi no Iware no Muraji (中臣磐余連) conspired to eradicate Buddhism. They plotted to burn down temples and discard Buddhist statues, but Soga no Umako opposed their plans and prevented them from carrying out these acts.

In the autumn, during the eighth month on the fifteenth day, the Emperor’s illness worsened, and he passed away in the great palace.

At this time, the mourning palace (殯宮 mogari no miya) was constructed in Hirose (広瀬). Soga no Umako no Ōomi (蘇我馬子宿禰大臣) girded himself with a sword and expressed a eulogy (誄 shinobigoto) in honor of the deceased Emperor. However, Mononobe no Yuge no Moriya no Ōmuraji ridiculed him, saying:
“You look like a sparrow shot with a shishiya (撖箭, a large arrow used for hunting beasts)!”

He mocked Umako’s clumsy appearance, as his small frame contrasted awkwardly with the large sword he carried.

Next, Yuge no Moriya delivered his own eulogy. His hands and feet trembled, and his voice quivered as he spoke. In turn, Umako laughed and remarked, “If we tied a bell to him, it would be quite amusing.”

From this point on, animosity grew between the two men, and their rivalry deepened.

Ōmiwa no Sakau (三輪君逆) employed Hayato (隼人 southern warriors) to guard the mourning palace grounds. Meanwhile, Prince Anahobe (穴穂部皇子 a son of Emperor Kinmei), who aspired to the throne, openly declared in a voice of anger, “Why must I serve the funeral rites of a dead ruler, when I, a living prince, remain unacknowledged?”



その後、橘豊日皇子(たちばなのとよひのみこ のちの用明天皇)に詔(みことのり)を賜り、こう言われた。「先帝の勅命に背くことのないように、任那復興の政策を怠るな」。






その後、殯宮(もがりのみや)が広瀬(ひろせ)に建てられた。蘇我馬子宿禰大臣(そがのうまこのすくねおおおみ)は刀を佩(おび)て、亡き天皇を慕い、誄(しのびごと)を述べた。これを見た物部弓削守屋大連(もののべのゆげのもりやのおおむらじ)は嘲笑し、こう言った。「撖箭(ししや  獣を射る大きな矢)で射られた雀のようだ」と。小柄な体で大きな大刀を佩いた馬子宿禰の姿を滑稽だと笑った。



大三輪逆君(おおみわのさかうのきみ)は隼人(はやと)を使って殯の庭の警備を命じた。一方、穴穂部皇子(あなほべのみこ 欽明天皇の皇子)は皇位を狙っていたため、声高に怒りをあらわにした。「なぜ生きているこの私には仕えず、死んだ王の葬儀に仕えねばならないのだ」と怒声を発した。

令和6年12月2日(月) 2024

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