
Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

Magic of Equations and Mysteries of Science-Unraveling Reality with Power of Mathematics

As I witness the world transforming into a digital society and witness the evolution of AI, I am constantly intrigued by how this world can be expressed through mathematical equations.

Mathematics serves as the foundation for natural sciences and physics, and equations act as a powerful tool to precisely express abstract concepts.

One possible reason why equations can represent reality is that mathematics itself has evolved based on our observations and experiments.

Mathematics has evolved as a means for humans to comprehend patterns and relationships in the natural world, allowing us to model the world using the language of mathematics.

Furthermore, mathematics possesses a logical structure and adheres to rigorous rules. This enables mathematical expressions and equations to simplify and enhance our understanding of intricate phenomena and relationships in the natural world.

However, experts would likely argue that equations and mathematics cannot provide all-encompassing explanations.

The real world is incredibly complex, comprising diverse elements. Equations and mathematics have their limitations. They serve as models and approximations, rather than offering complete comprehension.

Yet, when we witness the unraveling of unknown phenomena through equations, equations appear to possess an enchanting quality—a magical means to unlock the mysteries of science.

As a humanities-oriented individual who once cherished mathematics, I cannot help but hold profound respect for scientists who explore the natural world through equations and mathematical reasoning.

Dr. Albert Einstein's famous words, "God does not play dice," surprised me as a child. Even a brilliant scientist like Einstein found cause to invoke the concept of a higher power.

For Einstein, who believed that physical phenomena should strictly adhere to deterministic laws, the theoretical interpretation of quantum mechanics with its probabilistic nature may have seemed mystical and difficult to accept.

However, in modern quantum theory, a probabilistic interpretation is deemed necessary to explain phenomena of chance.

The pursuit of unifying the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, an endeavor that eluded even the genius Einstein, persists to this day.

For individuals like myself, who lean towards the humanities, when the real world becomes disheartening, science stands as the foremost beacon of hope.


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