Era of Digitalization Society: Arrival of Time that Challenges Individual Competence and Talent
Recently, it has become common to search for the names of people we meet for the first ...

Selective Realm of Elite US Universities: Comparative Insight into Admissions Challenges and Myths
Elite Universities in the United States Are Highly Selective.Challenging to Enter and G...

アメリカの一流大学は少数精鋭 入学も卒業も難しい 世界ランキングトップのハーバードの入学者数は1700人 アイビーリーグ8大学の入学者総数は 早慶の入学者総数より少ない 人口は日本の約3倍なのに
日本人が、アメリカと日本の大学に対して持っている大きな誤解。 アメリカの大学は、入るのは易しいが、卒業...

The World Has Already Gone Mad: There Might Be No Longer Any Time To Survive For Japan
Reasons why the United States of America doesn't militarily intervene in Ukraine:- Th...

What I wish for Japanese politicians is only this: "I want us Japanese to remain kind forever."
Japan seems to have changed recently.In the past, Japanese politicians were criticized f...

World Economy in 2050-Challenges for Japan and Western Countries
When you look at the "World GDP Rankings in 2050," you notice that the leading roles have ...

Apple Microsoft Google Meta Amazon—Their Billionaires Owes to Efforts of 8 Billion People
What is needed in this society is not just a minimum wage but also an upper limit on in...

Cultural and economic disparities in families become factors contributing to human disparities
Differentiation of distance gives velocity, differentiation of velocity gives accelerat...


The Evolutionary Journey: From Virtual Reality to AI Dominance
There is a theory that this world is a virtual reality.Oxford University professor Nick Bo...