Studio Fritz Nathan


119. Recently-近況Dec,2015~2016

2016-01-25 02:43:52 | Blog
It is very rare that I have been kept in Snow especially rare in Fukuoka,Kyushu.
I had a off Sunday today.
I am trying to renew my Blog oh gosh,,it has been while..I haven't even opened my PC...

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Photos from last May right after I got out of hospital I had got the head injury.
10月ごろ完全復活絶好調~。I am at the good shape.
12月6日~よくばり室内楽の模様~最高に楽しかった~!!Dec,6,Chamber music concert~That was fabulous!!!
年末から元旦は福岡の宝満山でキャンプした。初日の出。At the end of 2015 to the New year 2016,I had been camping at Mt.Houman in Fukuoka,Japan.
同じく1月半ばの宝満山登山ーかもしか新道。Same Mt.Houmann in Fukuoka.
爆発ヘアーのプロフィール写真。My Funky hair.
福大病院救急センター時に一緒だったお友達とのツーショット!!8ヶ月振りに再会してお互いの無事を祝いあった。My friend from Hospital we met at same hospital room last April to May,2015. After 8 month we saw each other in a very good shape and drink!!
My new improvised recipe~a boiled Polk today I cooked end of surreal snow day in Fukuoka.