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英語講師おすすめのビジネスを始める前の一冊 - The 7 habits of highly effective people (7つの習慣)

2011-04-19 07:46:07 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Good morning, and thanks a lot for your time to read my blog!
Today, I’d like to recommend one of my favorite books for those who have an idea to get their business started.
The title of the book I recommend today is “The 7 habits of highly effective people” written by Stephen R. Covey.
This is a world-famous book, so some of you may have known a Japanese-translated version, whose title is “Nanatsu-no-shukan.”
Why I recommend this book is what I can’t put it in a word, but simply it contains tons of useful tips for business and most importantly for life.
One tip I like and I learned from this book is that “Think Win-Win.”
Though it sounds simple, it’s a lot harder to carry it out than it sounds.
Actually, in my personal opinion, this book is not for simply reading, but for doing what we've learned from the book after reading.
So, I’d like to recommend this book for especially someone who is thinking about getting his/her business started!!
Find your spare time, and use it to improve your English reading skill and get some great knowledge by reading this book!


本日は“英語講師おすすめのビジネスを始める前の一冊 - The 7 habits of highly effective people (7つの習慣)”です。

今日おすすめの“The 7 habits of highly effective people”(Stephen R. Covey 著)という本は、すでに世界的に有名になっており、日本語版の“7つの習慣”をご存知の方をお読みになった方もいると思いますが、著者の直接の意図していることを読み取ることが可能な英語のオリジナルバージョンもおすすめです!!


例えばこの本の中で、自分が参考になった好きな習慣の一つは“Think Win-Win”(人間関係の中でWin-Winを考える)で、言葉にしてしまうと簡単に聞こえてしまいますが、実際に実行(習慣)に移そうとすると案外、難しいものです。



ご興味ありましたら、時間を作って(特に英語版のThe 7the habits of highly effective people)読んでみてください。

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Find your spare time and use it effectively!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2 コメント

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Unknown (hiroshi)
2011-04-19 19:50:46
Unknown (arata)
2011-04-19 22:56:15
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Yes, you can!
The point is you should read it every day.
Even one passage a day is fine!
Practice makes perfect!!