東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師ブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

レッスンから学ぶ英語力向上のために語彙を増やそう ~ 豚肉に関する英単語(日本語編)

2016-05-31 07:48:54 | すぐに使える英語 - 英単語
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“レッスンから学ぶ英語力向上のために語彙を増やそう ~ 豚肉に関する英単語(日本語編)”です。

最近のEnglish Plusのレッスン内での会話のトピックの1つが「食材」に関する話題になりました。





"I'd like to have..."

1. 肩バラ

2. 肩ロース

3. ばら肉


今日の答え:"1. picnic shoulder / 2. Boston butt / 3. belly"

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レッスンから学ぶ英語力向上のために語彙を増やそう ~ 豚肉に関する英単語(英語編)

2016-05-30 08:15:00 | すぐに使える英語 - 英単語
Good morning and thank you so much for your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, let's learn some English vocabulary we talked about during lessons at English Plus.
In one of the lessons at English Plus the other day, one of the topics our students were talking about was "food at a supermarket."
We can see a lot of food at supermarkets not only in Japan but in foreign countries.
One big difference between supermarket in Japan and foreign countries is labels on the food are not in Japanese but in English.
So, if you learn learn English more, you can enjoy traveling abroad more.
Today, let's learn food especially about pork.
Now, let's make English sentences below.
"May I have...?"
1. ロース
2. ヒレ
3. もも
You might talk about pork at a supermarket abroad in the future, so let's get prepared from now on!

今日の答え:"1. loin / 2. tenderloin / 3. ham"

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新TOEICテスト当日に贈るポジティブな英語ひとことメッセージ - Zig Ziglarのひとこと

2016-05-29 09:06:51 | ポジティブな英語ひとことメッセージ
Good morning and thank you so much for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to share a positive English message.
Today's message is by Zig Ziglar, who was an American author and motivational speaker.
The message is for those who are going to take the TOEIC test today.
Here is his positive message.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

Do what you have to do and try your best!
Let's have a great day.

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“新TOEICテスト当日に贈るポジティブな英語ひとことメッセージ - Zig Ziglarのひとこと”です。

今日のポジティブなメッセージはアメリカの作家で、講演家でもあったZig Ziglarのひとことからです。


"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."




今日の英語での一言:“Let's think positively and do your best!”

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たくさん英語を話したい方へおすすめのPower-Up Conversation(応用英会話)レッスンの紹介(日本語編)

2016-05-28 07:07:37 | 英語学校のレッスン・コースについて
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“たくさん英語を話したい方へおすすめのPower-Up Conversation(応用英会話)レッスンの紹介(日本語編)”です。

English Plusでは“基本的な英文は作れるけれど、もう少し流暢に話したい!様々なトピックについて話せるようになりたい!”と思っている方のために、“Power-Up Conversation(応用英会話)”コースをご用意しております。

この“Power-Up Conversation(応用英会話)”のレッスンでは、実用的な英語表現等を学び、様々なトピックについて話す練習を通して、流暢性やコミュニケーションスキルのアップをしていきます。



Power-Up Conversationレッスンは90分ですので、英語でコミュニケーションを図る時間があります。

English Plusのレッスンの詳細は、English Plusスクールコースのご案内からご覧いただくか、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

今日の英語での一言:"Let's master basic English skills!"

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たくさん英語を話したい方へおすすめのPower-Up Conversation(応用英会話)レッスンの紹介(英語編)

2016-05-27 06:44:59 | 英語学校のレッスン・コースについて
Good morning and thank you very much for your time to check out English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to introduce our Power-Up Conversation course.
There are several English lessons available at English Plus, but if you have trouble talking about various topics or speaking fluently, we recommend our "Power-Up Conversation" lessons at English Plus.
With "Power-Up Conversation" lessons, in order to communicate more smoothly, you can learn and practice some practical phrases and expressions, talk about various conversation topics.
In addition to communicate more smoothly, our Power-UP Conversation lesson curriculum includes listening, reading and writing practice.
During the lessons, students can learn how to do some self-study training (e.g. Ondoku training, Shadowing and so on).
Why we introduce how to do self-study is if the students do some self-study in their free time, they can improve faster!
If you want to practice speaking English a lot, why don't you join English Plus' Power-Up Conversation lessons?
Our lessons are 90 minutes, which means lot of time to communicate in English!
If you have any questions about Skill-Up lessons, please check it out English Plus' official website or ask us directly.

今日の英語での一言:"Let's enjoy improving English skills!"

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英語レッスン受講中の方への英語力アップ5つのアドバイス ~ その5(日本語編)

2016-05-26 08:09:18 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“英語レッスン受講中の方への英語力アップ5つのアドバイス ~ その5(日本語編)”です。









English Plusではレッスンおよび復習・自己学習からでてくる不明な点の確認、質問等大歓迎です。



今日の英語での一言:"Your efforts never tell a lie!"

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英語レッスン受講中の方への英語力アップ5つのアドバイス ~ その5(英語編)

2016-05-25 08:08:10 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Good morning and thank you very much for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about a piece of advice for English learners who are taking lessons.
As I wrote four tips in this blog, today's tip is going to be the last one.
So far, I've written about "We should carry some materials so that when we have time, we can review and review again and again until we master it. We should do this every day and make it our daily routine."
Reviewing after each lesson is very important to fully understand what we've learned and to use the knowledge.
As time passes, it's easy to forget what we've learned, so I recommend we do reviewing as early as possible.
However, some people might say "I don't know how to review" or "I tried self-study but I didn't understand some."
In this case, a piece of advice I'd like to give is "If you have any questions about English, you should talk to your English instructor or staff."
As I teach here at English Plus, some of our students have several good questions about English, and we give them some advice on them.
Actually, it's good to have questions because it means you are studying.
If you have questions, you should write them down in your notebook so that you can ask them anytime.
At English Plus, questions from your self-study and reviewing are always welcome!
Let's try self-study every day, and make it your daily routine.
You must be busy every day, but daily routine of English study will surely help you improve your English skills.

今日の英語での一言:"Let's ask questions if you have!"

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TOEICテストにも通じる基礎英語力を習得しよう!(Part2対策トレーニングその2 - 日本語編)

2016-05-24 07:48:07 | TOEICテスト対策

本日は“TOEICテストにも通じる基礎英語力を習得しよう!(Part2対策トレーニングその2 - 日本語編)”です。















1. TOEIC Part2の中から問題文1つを聞き、止めます

2. 問題文を聞いた後、頭の中で今聞いたことをリピート(可能であれば、口に出してシャドーイング)する
例)”How about going out for lunch?”という文が聞こえたら、頭の中で “How about going out for lunch?”と繰り返す

3. シャドーイングした文章のシチュエーションを想像してみる。例)”How about going out for lunch?”と聞こえたので、シチュエーションとして“友達がランチに誘っている”場や“同僚がランチに誘っている”という感じで想像してみる

4. 想像した後、止めていた問題文の続きの3択の答えを聞き、1つずつ頭の中でシャドーイングした後、答えを選ぶ

5. 答えの確認と想像していたシチュエーションが合っていたか、スクリプトを見て確認




今日の英語での一言: "You can surely improve your TOEIC score if you put your mind to it!"

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TOEICテストにも通じる基礎英語力を習得しよう!(Part2対策トレーニングその2 - 英語編)

2016-05-23 08:24:28 | TOEICテスト対策
Good morning and thanks a lot for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I’d like to write about a training method for Part 2 in the TOEIC test.
As you probably know that the TOEIC test consists of 2 sections "Listening section (Part 1-4) & Reading section (Part 5-7)" and Listening is about 45 min, plus Reading is about 75 min.
There is no break between Listening and Reading, so you have to concentrate on the test for 2 hours in a row.
The next official TOEIC test is scheduled on May 29th.
This time, it is going to be the first new form, and some of you may be thinking about taking it.
To improve your TOEIC score, the most important thing is "to prepare for the test."
So, from today, let's prepare for the TOEIC test and at the same time, let's improve basic English skills!
Today, let's try some English training for the TOEIC Part 2.
The Part 2 is composed of 25 questions and you have to choose the best response to the question or statement.
To get a better score in the Part 2, you should do some training and prepare for it!
Before starting today's training, what you need is Official TOEIC preparation TEST (or some TOEIC practice test) and an MP 3 player or a CD player.
The training is called “Shadowing (in your mind).”
“Shadowing” is one of training methods that can be done anywhere and anytime.
Here is how to do:
1. Listen to a question sentence from the TOEIC Part 2.
2. Right after you hear the question sentence, stop the CD & repeat what you've just heard in your mind. (If you can, please say it out loud.)
e.g. (you hear) "How about going out for lunch?" (in your mind, you repeat) "How about going out for lunch?"
3. Imagine the situation, and listen to the 3 answer choices & repeat each choice in your mind.
4. Choose the answer.
5. Check the script to see if the sentences your repeat are correct.
If you continue this training every day, it will help you improve not only your TOEIC score, but also your basic English skills.

今日の英語での一言: "You can surely improve your TOEIC score if you study English every day!"

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自分の英語の間違いに気づける英語力をつけていこう ~ 2016年4月後半のレッスンの復習(日本語編)

2016-05-22 08:58:55 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“自分の英語の間違いに気づける英語力をつけていこう ~ 2016年4月後半のレッスンの復習(日本語編)”です。

English Plusではレッスン中は特に、受講生に間違いを恐れることなく英語を話してもらうようにサポートしています。



English Plusでは、どのような場面やトピックでも自分の英語力で乗り切れるえるように、基礎の部分となる基礎英語力(自分で英文が自由に作れる英語力)をつけるためにレッスンや自己学習をサポートしていますが、その基礎英語力の大事な中の1つに“自分の英語の間違いに気づける英語力”があります。



1. Because I ate lunch enough, I'm full now.

2. Thai is a good country.

3. He's my friend since we were elementary school students.


今日の答え:"1. Because I ate enough lunch, I'm full now. / 2. Thailand is a good country. / 3. He's been my friend since we were elementary school students."

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