Good morning, and thank you for your time to read this blog!
Today, I’d like to write about how important repetition training is in terms of English learning.
Through my teaching experience, I sometimes hear my students say “Sorry, I forgot the vocabulary even though I’m sure I’ve learned before...”
Actually, this “forgetting what we’ve learned” is a natural process and it happens to everyone.
As an English learner and English instructor, I’d like to stress that “It’s natural to forget what we’ve learned, so the most important point and what we need to do is to review and repeat what we've learned over and over again until you completely master it!”
The easiest way to carry out this repletion training is to check what you’ve already learned every day! (e.g. check the vocabulary for 5 or 10 min every day in addition to learning new vocabulary or grammar.)
It’s hard to get used to repetition training for the first time, but as you continue, I’m sure you’ll get used to it.
It's definitely worth it!
If you want to master English, you should establish your English training routine!
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Just do it!”

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Today, I’d like to write about how important repetition training is in terms of English learning.
Through my teaching experience, I sometimes hear my students say “Sorry, I forgot the vocabulary even though I’m sure I’ve learned before...”
Actually, this “forgetting what we’ve learned” is a natural process and it happens to everyone.
As an English learner and English instructor, I’d like to stress that “It’s natural to forget what we’ve learned, so the most important point and what we need to do is to review and repeat what we've learned over and over again until you completely master it!”
The easiest way to carry out this repletion training is to check what you’ve already learned every day! (e.g. check the vocabulary for 5 or 10 min every day in addition to learning new vocabulary or grammar.)
It’s hard to get used to repetition training for the first time, but as you continue, I’m sure you’ll get used to it.
It's definitely worth it!
If you want to master English, you should establish your English training routine!
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Just do it!”

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