「ボディ&呼吸 ワークショップ」です。
ボディ&呼吸 ワークショップは、『わたし』を生かしたい
日時 10月29日(日)
13時30分 開場
14時 スタート
16時 終了
料金 2000円
予約 問い合わせ mail : ayamiyasuyho.ay@gmail.com
tel : 09091650871 (アキノリ)
会場 Social Kitchen
〒602-0898 京都市上京区相国寺門前町699
We express our bodies using "feeling".
"BODY & KOKYU WORKSHOP” is using objectively your body & raising your creativity to the utmost.
It regains criginal susceptibility by breathing. Using well-designed breahing, you will be feel your body. Enhance your sense. Creation is born from your inside. Living and creating are born from our breathing. To those who want to grab a dancer, acter, artist, way of life.
8/29 (sun)
open 13:30 start 14:00 ~ end 16:00
each fee ¥2000
application mail : ayamiyasuyho.ay@gmail.com
place Social Kitchen
699, Sokokujimonzencho, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 602-0898, Japan
instracter Yoshie Akinori
Performancr group "ayami yasuyho" leader. His work is performer musisian choreographers. Experience the performer of the experimental dand. And leaned Noh, act, hiphop, ballert, contenporary dance. Breathing is used to strat expressing the oriognal body.
Major work is "a'y.", "W", "[kho of aza]", "y", "proto type". Music plays a sampler to play with own maked sound.
Dance mistress Azusa Tochimoto
Become a member of ayami yasuyho from the soloist of the ballet group of Kyoto in 2005. Appear in major works of ayami yasuyho. In the solo work "i", she danced miraculous self-expanding dance. She also makes photos, movie, paintings.
「ボディ&呼吸 ワークショップ」です。
ボディ&呼吸 ワークショップは、『わたし』を生かしたい
日時 10月29日(日)
13時30分 開場
14時 スタート
16時 終了
料金 2000円
予約 問い合わせ mail : ayamiyasuyho.ay@gmail.com
tel : 09091650871 (アキノリ)
会場 Social Kitchen
〒602-0898 京都市上京区相国寺門前町699
We express our bodies using "feeling".
"BODY & KOKYU WORKSHOP” is using objectively your body & raising your creativity to the utmost.
It regains criginal susceptibility by breathing. Using well-designed breahing, you will be feel your body. Enhance your sense. Creation is born from your inside. Living and creating are born from our breathing. To those who want to grab a dancer, acter, artist, way of life.
8/29 (sun)
open 13:30 start 14:00 ~ end 16:00
each fee ¥2000
application mail : ayamiyasuyho.ay@gmail.com
place Social Kitchen
699, Sokokujimonzencho, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 602-0898, Japan
instracter Yoshie Akinori
Performancr group "ayami yasuyho" leader. His work is performer musisian choreographers. Experience the performer of the experimental dand. And leaned Noh, act, hiphop, ballert, contenporary dance. Breathing is used to strat expressing the oriognal body.
Major work is "a'y.", "W", "[kho of aza]", "y", "proto type". Music plays a sampler to play with own maked sound.
Dance mistress Azusa Tochimoto
Become a member of ayami yasuyho from the soloist of the ballet group of Kyoto in 2005. Appear in major works of ayami yasuyho. In the solo work "i", she danced miraculous self-expanding dance. She also makes photos, movie, paintings.