English for apes

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LibDem conference

2024-09-23 14:37:55 | Reading - politics
I failed the LibDem conference last week. I'm not curious Labour conference which is currently holding.

Liberal Democrat conference: Sir Ed Davey pledges to be champion for carers in emotional speech

nanna/nana - grandmother?
undiagnosed - undiagnosed neurological condition
MS - Multiple sclerosis??
winterproof [Wiktionary]Resistant to the harsh weather conditions of winter.

Ali Fortescue says it's a victory lap. What struck he was LibDem thought their rival was Tory, even their ambition to go further.
parade - 71 Lib Dem MPs parading on stage
bob - bobbing along to ABBA

Lib Dem leader arrives at conference by jet ski

[quote] Sir Ed became known during the election campaign for his stunts, which continued during the conference, with him entering on a jet ski, playing beach volleyball, and building a stile. However, he revealed in his speech that health and safety stopped him from "putting my hand up a cow's behind or wing walking on a biplane". [unquote]

I like his stunts - jet skiing, bungee jumping... I think it works.

[quote]The spokesman said the cow idea had been seriously considered but did not go ahead due to health and safety concerns for both the cow and Sir Ed.[unquote]

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