English for apes

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2024-08-31 00:37:55 | Reading - politics
It's good to end culling. It says until 2029, but will be until 2026, I hope.

Badger culling to end in England by 2029, government says

bovine tuberculosis, bovine TB, bTB
tuberculosis, TB
ascertain (pronunciation)
toll [Collins]A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.
eradication < eradicate
the way forward [Collins]If you say that a particular type of action or development is the way forward, you approve of it because it is likely to lead to success.

[quote]It is thought more than 200,000 badgers have been culled in the past decade[unquote]
[quote]a terrible toll on our badger populations[unquote]
[quote]they have chosen to target badgers for slaughter in their tens of thousands[unquote]
Poor badgers! It's not burgers' fault, but the lazy government which has not researched enough.

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