English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-08-31 08:28:29 | Reading - politics
A short C1 level reading. A lot of good expressions and words.
It's an interesting byline article. I was amused that the front pages of Telegraph and Daily Mail were the portrait, as the article mentions as apocalyptic.

The lady’s not for returning – but where has No 10’s Thatcher portrait gone?

tight-lipped [quote]aides are tightlipped as to whereabouts - Ah, literally!
Irish Taoiseach (pronunciation) 'tee-shack'
punctuate [Collins]If an activity or situation is punctuated by particular things, it is interrupted by them at intervals. [quote]In a summer punctuated by an election and then riots
triviality < trivial
austere [quote]the slightly austere painting of the former prime minister
commission [quote]when Gordon Brown commissioned it
tinker [quote]tinkering at the margins
cryptically < cryptic [quote]A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand.
gilt-framed < gilt [Collins]A gilt object is covered with a thin layer of gold or gold paint.
unsettling [quote]If you describe something as unsettling, you mean that it makes you feel rather worried or uncertain.
number-strong [quote]the near 15,000-strong government art collection[unquote] Ah, literally!
rather [Collins][sentence connector]on the contrary [quote]it was not acquired by the government art collection, rather, the £100,000 cost was paid for by an anonymous donor
hight [quote] at the height of her power

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