English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-04-17 01:46:47 | Reading - local
I'm extremely busy and no time for long articles. This is very easy to read, but I still don't remember some basic daily words.

Riccall: Girl, six, wakes sleeping family during home blaze

hail - A six-year-old girl hailed a hero
immensely - She was immensely brave
adjoin - the adjoining house
go off - our smoke alarms didn't go off
hardwire [Collins]to join (electrical parts) permanently
I think this is the second time to pick "attend blaze" but I couldn't find it in my blog.
[quote]Four fire engines attended the blaze at the semi-detached property[unquote]

badder is six-year old children's word - don't use it
[quote]I was getting a bit upset, because it was getting badder[unquote] I was getting,, it was getting..

It's surprising that BBC interviewed, not AP, for such a small news.

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