English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver.

Ed Miliband's energy plan

2024-12-22 01:12:01 | Reading - politics/gossip
I couldn't complete this posting last week. I didn't have time to search about energy words.

Ed Miliband pledges ‘most ambitious reforms to UK energy system in generations’

canopy - canopies of solar panels
press ahead with
wean [Collins]If you wean someone off a habit or something they like, you gradually make them stop doing it or liking it, especially when you think is bad for them.
[quote] Ministers want to wean the country off its dependence on fossil fuels. - I'm still trying to wean myself off web surfing
lay bare [Collins]to reveal or explain
first come, first served - managed on a “first come, first served” basis
sluggish < slug
treble x3 - double x2

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP)
The East Coast Cluster - Teesside
carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Ørsted - Hornsea
Neso/NESO - National Energy System Operator

[quote]The plans come as low wind and solar power generation forced Britain to rely heavily on burning gas and wood pellets. As of Thursday, about 65% of Britain’s electricity was being generated from gas and biomass, with only 5.3% coming from wind.[unquote]
I didn't know biomass causes carbon emissions. I saw wind wheels everywhere in the countryside in the UK, but it's only 5.3%.

He appeared on Today to explain about the energy plan. It's been a while to hear his voice on the radio.
Nick Robinson's question about Ed's past statement on Syria was a bit of a straw man.

Ed Miliband defends blocking UK military action against Assad

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