I've been thinking to take a course of British Council Tokyo which may be disappeared sometime soon.
The way of diplomacy has been changed the direction from soft power to hard power because of Trump.
Why the financial crisis at the British Council matters as UK pushes soft power
jarring (adj) < jar (verb) [Collins]If something jars on you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking.
bolster [Collins]If you bolster something such as someone's confidence or courage, you increase it.
on the verge of [Collins]If you are on the verge of something, you are going to do it very soon or it is likely to happen or begin very soon.
at issue
league table
vibe shift
force multipliers [Cambridge]something that increases the effect of a force
[quote]As a precondition for what McClory calls a “vibe shift” in the national narrative, he urges the government to “end the collective complacency around the British Council and the BBC World Service.[unquote]
I agree with his opinion. British Council and BBC World Service have finished their roles.
The way of diplomacy has been changed the direction from soft power to hard power because of Trump.
Why the financial crisis at the British Council matters as UK pushes soft power
jarring (adj) < jar (verb) [Collins]If something jars on you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking.
bolster [Collins]If you bolster something such as someone's confidence or courage, you increase it.
on the verge of [Collins]If you are on the verge of something, you are going to do it very soon or it is likely to happen or begin very soon.
at issue
league table
vibe shift
force multipliers [Cambridge]something that increases the effect of a force
[quote]As a precondition for what McClory calls a “vibe shift” in the national narrative, he urges the government to “end the collective complacency around the British Council and the BBC World Service.[unquote]
I agree with his opinion. British Council and BBC World Service have finished their roles.