English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver.

Save The Prince Charles Cinema

2025-01-29 10:57:48 | Reading - local/society
At the moment, the petition has gathered 94,251 signatures. The target is 100,000.

It's legendary. The selection of the movies is nearly my preference. I like cult movies.
I want to sign on it on an emotional level, but I'm not a local resident.

I hardly go to movie theatre these days, or even I rarely watch movies recently.
Actually, I've come back to the movie theatres really recently. I watched a documentary of Japanese primary school and a drama of Trump at cinemas this month.
I might be influenced by stealth marketing. I'm a very easy target of marketing.

Cult London film venue Prince Charles cinema under threat of closure

span(verb) [Collins] If something spans a long period of time, it lasts throughout that period of time or relates to that whole period of time.
buck the trend [Cambridge]to be obviously different from the way that a situation is developing generally, especially in connection with financial matters
entitlement - remember!

property words
break clause [Cambridge]in the UK, a statement in an agreement, especially one about using land or property, that allows someone to end the agreement under certain conditions before it would normally end
stewardship[Collins]Stewardship is the responsibility of looking after property.
London’s Central YMCA - I didn't know it's a gym
Criterion Capital, whose CEO is billionaire Asif Aziz

People who are only interested in practical things, such as wealth and money, destroy local society, tradition, history and culture. They are not educated liberal arts.

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