☆ JE1CKA ☆


Daniel Selma

2020-09-19 12:22:48 | イベント
I got the following paintings from my neighbour a half year ago.
I tried to find who Selma is - I haven't heard Selma so far.
My search was failed several times but today I got the informations;
Daniel Selma(Zelma)
He seems to be the artist whom I'm looking for.




3 コメント

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Unknown (Daniel Selma)
2020-09-19 23:52:06
Konichiwa Hi Tack ( I don’t know your name)

Thank you for contacting me. Actually yes those are my paintings I painted them while I was living in Japan. I thought I would never know where they would end up. I am glad someone has them. I am really happy to know they are in good hands. I could not take them with me as I was afraid they would get harmed when traveling. For this reason we thought someone could use them.

Let me know if you need anything else.
Thanks for the reply (Tack Kumagai)
2020-09-20 01:07:46
Oh my goodness!
Finally I got touch with you.
I saw that you were living in Japan and I believed you are the person whom I'm looking for.
I've been strongly influenced by Bernard Buffet while I was teen. I visited the Buffet Museum over ten times. Since I've been interested in the world of art.
I am so glad to have your 3 paintings with me.
Can I see your other paintings at the Internet?

Tack Kumagai
Unknown (Daniel Selma)
2020-09-20 02:28:51
Hi Tack,

Yes I am really happy also. I had to go back home for a few months as my mother will be getting an operation in October. I will return to Japan though as soon as I can.
As of now I could only post my recent paintings on my Facebook page as I didn’t have much time. Have a look.

I can let you know when I return to Japan.

