Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara delivered a message from Joshua 1:1-4, that healing and God's work happened when God spoke and steped out.
Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara delivered a message from Joshua 1:1-4, that healing and God's work happened when God spoke and steped out.
長崎カリスマ聖会があり、長崎にきました。 kosuda
We have a Nagasaki Charismatic conference, so I come to here. Kosuda
Photo: Nagasaki Peace Park
ミニコンサートの後はティーパーティーをしました。5月の誕生者のお祝いもしました。 (^o^)/
After a mini concert, we had a tea party. We celebrated people who were born in May.
Y, a high school student, drew illustration on a what board. He has a desire to go to art school.