22日に行われるパウロ平良明人牧師召天7周年追悼コンサート・記念会のブログがアップされました。是非、ご覧ください➡︎ http://revpaultairaheaven.blogspot.jp/?m=1
A blog, a commemorativce concert and meeting of 7th anniversary of Pastor Akihito Taira returning home on June 22nd is uploaded.
22日に行われるパウロ平良明人牧師召天7周年追悼コンサート・記念会のブログがアップされました。是非、ご覧ください➡︎ http://revpaultairaheaven.blogspot.jp/?m=1
A blog, a commemorativce concert and meeting of 7th anniversary of Pastor Akihito Taira returning home on June 22nd is uploaded.
We went to Sasaguri to perform a street live for building children care center in Fukushima in a lovely cool breeze.
Some families listened to our songs standing at a distance.
ブログ「主の十字架 父の日あれやこれや」がアップされています。是非、ご覧下さい→ http://antiochblog.jp/info/sp1406/
A blog, " TLCCC one week of father's day" is uploaded. Have a look. (Auto translation only)