パウロ秋元牧師聖会に向けてブログがアップされています。是非ご覧下さい→ http://seikai140915.blogspot.jp/
Blog of upcoming holy meeting by Pastor Paul Akimoto is uploaded. Have a look from above URL.
パウロ秋元牧師聖会に向けてブログがアップされています。是非ご覧下さい→ http://seikai140915.blogspot.jp/
Blog of upcoming holy meeting by Pastor Paul Akimoto is uploaded. Have a look from above URL.
神学校の帰り、バス停「神学校前」でちょうど、十字架の飛行機雲を見ました。(^O^)/ K
on the way back from seminary class, I saw cloud that shaped cross in the sky just in front of a bus stop "Front of the seminary school".
I got good news. Ohmuta Church has entered the Third year on September 7, on the same day, the pastor of Ohmuta Church saw a rainbow in Tamata after the worship service, where he ministrys.
( In the Bible, rainbow stands for God's presence or fulfillment of the promised word.)
Seminary class were held in the morning.
Today was the last class before the first team test, so lecturere gave some tips.
The test will be started from coming Friday in Fukuoka class.