X-25: Finally!
But the Japanese government better be prepared for increasing
pressure from the US to import more American goods while they sort out
this financial crisis.
Still, we finally get to rid the White House of George W.
... "little beach", I like that ...
Party begins in Obama, Japan
November 5, 2008
OBAMA, Japan — The party will start up here again shortly.
When CNN announced Obama won the presidency, a group of American teachers living in Japan erupted in cheers. It took a few minutes for the Japanese crowd to get the news translated, but then they too started cheering “O-ba-ma!”
Obama translates from Japanese into English as, “little beach.” The Japanese town is cheering on its namesake with Obama cakes, chopsticks, T-shirts, and kimonos. … Decorated with “I (heart) Obama” on them. It’s a strange coincidence, sharing a name, but it allows them to throw a big 500-person victory party.