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Getting the most from Huawei P10 and P10 Plus dual cameras

2017-06-06 09:54:23 | Samsung Galaxy S8

The best camera is the one you always carry with you. The better camera is the one that has both colour and monochrome sensors - and fits neatly in your samsung parts . Which is exactly what you'll find in the Huawei P10 and P10 Plus smartphones' Leica Dual Camera 2.0 arrangement.

A clue to the quality is there in the name: Leica, the world-renowned German camera maker, has teamed up with Huawei so the company's flagship phones embody stringent lens quality checks and software smarts that no rivals can offer.

The best smartphone camera: Getting the most from Huawei P10 and P10 Plus dual cameras

That's the brilliance of Leica Dual Camera: the ability to shoot in colour, black and white, or use both lenses to intelligently depth-map for pro-looking shots with perfectly blurred backgrounds. Here are some top tips to pull the best out of the Huawei P10 and P10 Plus cameras.

Huawei P10 and P10 Plus dual cameras: Quick launch

It was Henri Cartier-Bresson who coined the "decisive moment" phrase, that perfect intersection of getting the subject exactly where you want when the shutter fires. So waiting around for a sony parts camera to launch can be a painstaking situation.

Fortunately the P10 and P10 Plus offer quick launch features - without the need to even unlock the phone. A simple swipe-up from the corner of the lock screen (where there's a symbol of a camera image) and the camera will launch. Hit the virtual shutter and, snap, you've got the perfect shot without delay.

Huawei P10 and P10 Plus dual cameras: Point-and-shoot, focus and exposure

For some the idea of a big camera with loads of knobs and dials is somewhat daunting. That's one of the great things about the P10 and P10 Plus cameras: you can simply open the Camera and shoot, without having to worry about additional controls.

However, if you want to perfect your shooting then there are some simple focus and exposure adjustments. First: tapping on the screen will position a circle to focus on a subject, whether close-up or far away. Second: a little sun icon will appear next to this circle; press, hold and drag this symbol on a slider up or down to brighten or darken the exposure to perfection. All quick and easy adjustments.

