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5 Amazing Settings You May Not Know about iPhone SE 2020

2020-07-03 11:58:23 | iPhone

The iPhone SE 2020 has been launched in March this year. This is the newest iPhone model presently and it brings us some amazing functional features. We all know the latest iOS version has made our iPhones more and more powerful. Here we would like to tell you 5 useful settings of iPhone SE 2020, and we are sure you will be glad to learn these settings and make your iPhone SE great to you.  


1. Add two or more fingerprint touch IDs

We know that the former iPhone generations only allow us with one fingerprint touch ID for screen unlocked. This time iPhone SE gets us two or more touch IDs on settings, which means, we can unlock one device with two or more fingerprints by setting. Just go to settings and enter passcodes to access to Touch ID & Passcode, you can add two or more fingerprints touch IDs on your iPhone SE.


2. Hide notification message when the phone is locked

We all know that Apple is making the best efforts to protect our users’ privacy. This has been clear in this setting for iPhone SE. We can hide the pop-up notification messages from our iPhone locked screen. Same as the previous setting, we go to Settings and enter passcodes to access to Touch ID & Passcode. Here we can see all the applications on the list, select the items to switch it off if you don’t want to see the notifications on the screen.  


3. Hide and disable apps from others

Just like we say, Apple has made the best for the security of users’ privacy. This setting enables us to hide our private apps from the screen or disable the deleted item from the apps. With this special setting, we can download any application we like to our iPhone SE with no worries about being watched or deleted by our close friends or family. Go to Settings >> Screen Time >> Tap continue and “This is My iPhone” >> Content & Privacy Restriction. Turn off the apps you would like to disable on settings.


4. Low battery mode for battery extension

The low battery mode of iPhone SE enables us to extend our iPhone SE battery life in some way. Go to Settings >> Control Center >> Customize Control. Here we can enable the low battery mode on our iPhone SE.


5. Raise to wake up setting

The Raise to Wake Up setting is one of the special features of iPhone SE. When we enable this function, our iPhone SE would turn off the screen automatically when we lay it down on the table. It will turn on the screen automatically when we pick it up. It’s very interesting. You can also turn off this function. It’s up to you.


So these are the 5 settings we would like to share with you. We hope you could try these settings and make your iPhone SE more convenient for use. Besides, you could also learn something about iPhone maintenance and repair. Etrade Supply offers iPhone SE replacement parts for wholesale. Just come to our shop if you have interests.

Article refers to Etrade blog of First 10 Things You Need to Do on You iPhone SE 2020

