Dreamers Fields -Eigo de blog!

I’m lerning English now!


2006-01-13 10:43:45 | What is Today.
I caught a cold since Wednessday.
I went a clinic where checked influenza.
But,it didn't find a response in flue.
But,my condition of a patient an illness should be flue,I got
medicine of flue.
well,my temperature fell down normal temperature today.
Evaryone are carefull influenza.
Hmm...I want to take a bath...


2 コメント

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OK! (Jun)
2006-01-22 00:58:12
I got 2.5 days off.

I'm already OK.

Mu,be careful!
Are you all right? (Mu)
2006-01-15 21:38:17
You need a rest.

I hope you will get well.
