Dreamers Fields -Eigo de blog!

I’m lerning English now!

Supporter's Project.

2006-11-30 00:25:54 | What is Today.
We Thespa Kusatsu supporters are planning that invite
many children to Thespa's home game ,the last game this year.
We wish that the project is successful.
But we need all supporter's cooperation and understanding.
May all supporters answer our prayers!

A wild boar.

2006-11-22 23:36:38 | What is Today.
A wild boar ran in Maebashi city this morning.
The wild boar ran around centre of Maebashi.
And the wild boar was caught near Gunma univercity hospital.
Where did the wild boar come?
Certainly, around Maebashi city is rural area.
But there is far from mountain.

Recently, wild animals, wild boars or beers are coming city area.
We are invading their life area.


2006-11-16 00:24:15 | What is Today.
Recently, we hear sad news.
A junior high school student commited
suicide caused by bullying yesterday.

I think bullies don't know that life is valuable.
Everyone's life is precious.
The life is impartiality. An exception is NOTHING.

We must change this society,
because of we must protect who children are bullied.

Especially, Politicians!
You should have changed!!