Dreamers Fields -Eigo de blog!

I’m lerning English now!

I bougt two books.

2006-06-25 01:25:44 | What is Today.
I bought two books on the internet on Wendnessday.
And I got them today.
These tittles are "Mottainai" and "If the world were a village
of 100 people".
At first, I opened "Mottainai".
So, if you are Japanese, you know about "Mottainai".
"Mottainai" is Japanese means "not just about material loss,but
also the sense of respect and compassion for the story behind
every material object".
The word of meaning "Mottainai" is NOT other laungueges.

And next, I opened "If the world were a village
of 100 people".
I've known that story is an internet folklore.
I read all story.
If you read it , what would you think or feel?

FIFA World Cup in Deutschland

2006-06-10 00:13:23 | What is Today.
The FIFA World Cup opens today!
I'm really really exciting for a month!!

Players of successive generations country apeared in the opening ceremony.
At first, The Pele ( God of Football) took the victory trophy.
And after that, there apeared England , France ,Uruguay , Algentina.
But Maradona wasn't there...Why?
Next apeared Italy. And Germany! Littbarski and Buchwald apeared.
At last, Burazil! They are all hero..
German world cup chairperson is Beckenbauer!
G..greatest opening ceremony .(ToT)

Hang in there! Japan!