Dreamers Fields -Eigo de blog!

I’m lerning English now!

The harvest moon

2007-09-26 00:06:56 | Photos

Autumn has come.
It is called that the heat or cold lasts only until the equinox.
It was changed autumn air since Autumnal Equinox Day.

It is the harvest moon tonight.
Especially the moon is beautiful.

V.S. Vegalta Sendai

2007-09-24 20:53:10 | What is Today.

Thespa had a match with Vegalta Sendai.
Vegalta Sendai is a high rank and contesting J1 promotion.

 They encouraged players.

A lot of Vegalta-supporters came to Gunma.
(How many? I don't know...But over 300 people...whould be.)

 Vegalta Supporters

I thought Sendai was defencive.
I don't know why they were defencive.
But in that reason, Thespa was ofencive.

Then 1st half passed 24 minuites, Ujihara Ryoji scored a cross fromTakada Yasunori!
Thespa Kusatsu led Vegalta Sendai.
But 2nd half passed 4minuites, Sekiguchi (Sendai) scored...
And after that, Thespa made some chances, but it was not a score.

The result was 1-1. It was draw.

 Players after the game.

We need one more score. Then we will win!

[* batteries not included]

2007-09-16 00:31:32 | What is Today.
I bought a DVD software.
The title is "*batteries not included".
This film was released in 1987.
Hmm...little bit old.
But I like this film becase this is heart warmming drama.

One old apartment in NY, owners was an old man and woman.
The owners and residents were liveing.
And they were raised the ground level.
One day, small machine alien? came there and lived!

And they worked miracles!

I recomend you this film.

Premier Abe Shinzo.

2007-09-13 00:23:42 | What is Today.
Premier Abe announced intention of resigning.
He took up his post last year.
But this year, he got many problem.
And the Liberal-Democratic Party suffered a crushing defeat
last the House of Councilors election.

I think that is too late.
He should have announced intention of resigning when he lost.
He always carry out some action too late.

Someone will take Mr.Yamada's place who is difficulty.

VS Tokushima Vortis

2007-09-10 00:12:18 | What is Today.

Thespa Kusatsu were scoreless draw which is the win-loss records with Tokushima Vortis
this year.

Thespa took the lead today's game.
Thespa made many chances,set-play or middle shot
however they couldn't make a goal.

The result was scoreless draw today, too.

Our support is NOT enough.
We need a lot of suppoters!
Please come and cheer for Thespa Kusatsu!

Thespa Kusatsu!

2007-09-09 00:32:44 | What is Today.

Hmm...I Haven't write article about Thespa Kusatsu for a long time.
I had been writing that when I started this weblog.
Then! I write about Thespa Kusatsu!
So, Thespa Kusatsu home game is held at Shikishima studium
in Maebashi city tomorrow night.(today?)
Thespa faces Tokushima Vortis.
Ah...Thespa is 11th place, and Tokushima is 12th place.
But it has no connection for us!
We support soooooooooo hard!
We get a victory!

And... Tomorrow's game is "Thanks Kusatsu day".
It has some events.
If you didn't come there, you would suffer a loss.
Let's come to Shikishima!

 He is Yuto is a Thespa's mascot.