I went to Tagajo city in Miyagi for volunteer activities on June 5th, 2011.
I joined participants at Kiryu station at 5:45 AM.
We arrived Tagajo city at 11:20 AM.
Our mission was shoveling sludge in gutters.
We separated 2 groups, group A and group B.
I joined Group A.
Group A went to one corner of a quiet residential area.
We shoveled sludge there.
I talked the lady living in there.
Tsunami from the sea, flood water from Sunaoshi river
living on 2nd floor...etc.
Group A
Tsunami's trace.
And after that, we joined Group B, but they had finished.
That area was finished!
Then we moved another area.
There was one of the biggest damage area in Tagajo city.
There was in front of the Yahata shrine.
The sludge was buried in the gutter.
All 47 members fought against the sludge in cooperation.
At rest time, I saw around there.
We finished for 90 minutes.
I thought they needed more volunteer and time.
Please paticipate the rivival volunteer activities!
This weekend June 12th, Kiryu Disaster Support Volunteer Center is inviting
paticipants of volunteer in Iwanuma city.
Please contact them.