Entrance for Studies in Finance

Video Lectures on Accounting and Finance

lease or buy

Accounting WITT from Oct.2010 to Sept.2011

what is accounting
business activities concepts
equation, conceptual analogy
equation, technical explanation
debits and credits
transaction analysis
accounting cycle
Alison Riley
The Accounting Cycle
Accounting for Investments in Common Stock
Depreciation Depletion Amortization

Allen Sources ⇒ concerning the videos of Allen Sources, please see Video Lectures on Markets and Investment
CFA Prep level 2 structured securities Brian Zen, mortgage, passthrough securities
CFA Prep level 1 financial statement GAAP(SEC;FAS-B), IAS(IASB), IS, BS, SCFs, !0K(AFSs audited), 10Q(QFs unaudited), 8K
CFA Prep level 1 financial statement analysis Shapiro, Long-Term Assets
CFA Prep level 2 financial statements Shapiro, Pensions and Intercorporate Investments
CFA Prep level 1 derivatives basic concepts Fernand Diz
CFA Prep level 1 derivatives investment Fernand Diz
CFA Prep level 1 derivatives problem solving Fernand Diz
CFA Prep level 2 forward pricing Fernand Diz

ANZ Australia Trade Finance in the Spotlight
Role of a Confirming Bank
Role of a Nominated Bank
Introduction to Documentary Collections
BizEd Finance ⇒ Lecture Notes of MIT and Open University
Accounting: balance sheet, asset, liability
Accounting: accountants, accounting, accounts
Accounting: to be useful as possible, ....gaap
gaap, cash flow statement
Accounting: gaap rules also
marketing, advertizing, brand
Business English Vocabulary: regulate, currency, interest rate
Business English Vocabulary related to Projects(practice version): allocate, stakeholders, scope
Marketing and Branding 1
Marketing and Branding 2
Projects and Project Management 1
Projects and Project Management 2
Risk Management 1
Risk Management 2
Supply Chain Management 1
Supply Chain Management 2

Break Even Point Analysis
Break Even Analysis ADMC Videos

internal rate of return in 4 minutes
interest rate swaps
net present value in 5 minutes
stock options step by step

Deutsche Bank Group
Working Capital Management

Economics for Managers
Break Even Analysis
break even point chart

EDC Network from 2008 to 2009
Beginner's Guide to Financial Statement: Balance Sheet
Beginner's Guide to Financial Statement: Income Statement
Beginner's Guide to Financial Statment: Cash Flow Statement
Beginner's Guide to Financial Statement: Statement of Sharehoders Equity

    事業を拡大する場合 融資の大きさは株主資本の大きさにより決まる

  企業を売買する場合 株主資本の大きさは議論の出発点になる 

Establishing Your Personal Credit
How Your Credit is Determined

finance videos
what is the balance sheet
what is the income statement

Financial Accounting videos
Accounting Concepts and Accounting Principles
Accounting Terms and Financial Statements
Financial Statements: income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement
Revenue Recognition and Matching Principle

GleimAccounting in Feb.2009
Accounting Made Easy 3 Basic Accounting Equation
Accounting Made Easy 4 Debts and Credits

Investinganswers ⇒ Video Lectures on Markets and Investment

debt to equity ratio definition
debt ratio definition
enterprise value definition
free cash flow definition
stocks, bonds, funds
variable cost definition
working capital definition

Investools ⇒ Video Lectures on Markets and Investment

Investopedia  ⇒ Video Lectures on Markets and Investment

johnbernke posted from Aug.2007 to Aug.2009
minute-class com alpha:abnormal return
minute-class com breakeven quantity of sales
minute-class com. cost of capital
minute-class com. dividend discount model
minute-class com. profitability and NPV excise

leverage effect
what is leverage effect easy forexleverage effect, you will see finace is easy

open michigan appeared in Jan.2009
607.01 finance and financial manager
607.02 financial math 1
607.03 financial math 2
607.04 valuing bond and stock
607.05 net present value
607.06 capital expenditure analysis
607.09 risk and return
607.10 CAPM and WACC
607.11 project discount rate
607.12 business valuation
607.13 introduction financing decision
607.14 corporate financing overview
607.15 debt
607.16 equity
607.17 dividend policy
607.18 capital structure
607.19 lease financing

Open University(UK) ⇒ Lecture Notes of Open University

mortgage crisis 2006-2011

William Ackman

Everything You need to know about finance in an hour

Zecco zirens ⇒ Video Lectures on Markets and Investment
Video Lectures on Market and Investment
Video Lectures on Management
Lecture Notes of MIT and Open University

hypertext and tutorial in Finance

English Tutorial
original edition uploaded in April 26, 2013
reuploaded in September 26, 2018





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