Barbara Apostolou, Keys to Investing in Common Stocks, 4th ed., Barron's Eductional:2004 意味が分からない言葉があれば、調べるように。
over the long termn stock prices are determined by two fundamental factors:(1)interest rates and (2)expected earnings
common stock ownership gives investors a direct stake in the future of corporations. ownership of common stock has proved over years to be one of the best ways for investors to earn money
the AMEX was started by a group of individuals who traded unlisted shares at an outdoor location referred to as a the Outdoor Club Market. typically, the AMEX companies are smaller and younger than th ecompanies listed on the NYSE
growth and value 成長株と割安株
growth expextation of higher growth, higher price to earnings and higher price to book ratios
value stocks are perceived to be a relative bargains invesos believe them to be underpriced
they hope the market will eventually appreciate this discrepnacy and bid up the price to full value
large cap stocks exceeding 10 billion
mediancap stock between $1 billion and $10billion
small cap less than $1 billion
OTC quotation compiled daily by the National Quaotation Bureau pink sheets
in 1971 NASD provideing automated quotations through its Nasdaq system
price index=current cost of market basket×100/cost of market basket in base year
blue-chip stocks 優良株 shares of common stock in a nationally known company taht has a long history of profit growth and dividend payment
growth stocks 成長株 グロース株
cyclical stocks:stocks in an industry taht is very responsive to the business cycle 景気敏感株
defensive stocks:stocks in companies that are relatively immune to the ups and downs of the economy 防衛株
Dow Jones Average : Dow Jone Industrial Average DJIA
S&P 500 Stock Index(called the Composite Index)
NYSE Composite Index
advantage of mutual funds 1)diversification 2) professional management 3)liquidity 4)constant supervision
closed -end fund
open-end funds issue or redeem shares at the net asset value
load funds/no load funds 販売時手数料が不要なファンド
aggressive growth or maximum capital appreciation funds
growth funds less risky than aggressive growth funds
growth and income funds like to invest in larger, stable companies that pay dividends and produce above average earnings
balanced funds include both stocks and bonds to reduce risk
international funds
full service brokers
discount brokers, deep discount brokers
bid 買い値
ask 売り値
market order 成り行き注文
limit order 指し値注文
pf 優先株preference stock
earnings per share (EPS)
basic EPS
diluted EPS 将来の発行予定で希釈されたEPS
price-earnings ratios P/E
payout raio= dividends/ earnings 配当性向
asset 1)current assets 2)property,plant and equipment 3)intangible assets
cash dividends/payout ratio/dividend yield/stock splits/stock dividends
dividend reinvestment plans(DRIPs)
technical analysis
speculative stocks