1 視姦する。
2 干渉する。 スマホや手帳覗いて来たり、そいつ以外の客と話すと邪魔してくる
3 サービスは些細なことでも断固拒否。
今会社行かないから会社員以外の方と接して思う。ほとんど遊んでるんだよね、持ち場にいても。女性スタッフに比べると特に。 大金ばらまく客以外女性客は放っておいてほしい。
あとホテルでわたしが客に話しかけると大騒ぎされるが、スタッフ無知なんだもの。男女とも。 リッツ・カールトンバーで下のの公園は何なの? と聞いたら毎日見てるのに 知りません 調べます。ハイアット外のカフェwaitresに公衆電話と聞いたら、3人スタッフ集まって大騒ぎ。思い出して歩いて20秒の化粧室で見つけかけた。
スタッフに聞 」とたまに言われるが早いし正確 わたしが言ったこと噂の種にしない だからたまたま居合わせた客と話すことが多い。
「毎日毎日同じ事の繰り返しでつまんない」 とホテルスタッフの男性言ってたが噂話半分にして客へのサービス考えればいいのに。
と言う日本男性に受け入れられる振りって何 と言うこと
"It's just men." Last accessory shop woman clerk. As expected a young girl, opinion agrees. Senior civilian housewife does not have to excuse bad habits of men and sometimes goes to the other side.
You can say bags at Don Quixote, if a female clerk is going to get out, do not hand it if a man next to you does not buy it. I'm on the second day.
In glasses and so on, I tried to finish off work quickly for a female clerk, but as soon as the staff of no1 for adultery came in, I took over her and overtake her and said, "Let's do it again, please." Saying, will you go to another store?
1 Intoxify.
2 Interfere. Peep into the smartphone or note book, or get in the way when talking to customers other than that one
3 Service refuses firm even if it is trivial.
Male staff is like 70% like this. Because I know the girls, it is just like the beginning, it's getting on.
Since I am not going to a company right now, I think I am in contact with someone other than a company employee. Even if you are in the place to go, you are almost playing. Especially compared with female staff. I want a female customer to leave me alone except for the customers who are big bucks.