Stared 1

2018-12-13 16:33:25 | 日記

Last night I was told that I could move the person for the first time in 30 minutes, but I can not meet because I wanted to move the place.
I sleep on the bench and wake up with the voice of a Chinese woman (inside the facility). You caught up next to me and I feel guarded. I encountered a balcony with a bag of crackers. It seems a little scary, but says it.

I showed you the dance before going to the restaurant. She seems to like women. The older sister of the counter
I am very careful and I will try to catch it.

It seems that the road public corporation was dismissed and built by the construction industry. I also knew the Paccon of the bid-rigging that I was with. I had a cerebral infarction. Why are serious and job gentlemen and ambitious men hit by illness? In case
Farewell at the hotel lobby, to the high capsule. The story of the hotel sales and those who met afterward
"Male customers are not cautioned at sleeping in the lobby, but even if I drink at a cafe staff will follow me." Like a civilian. "The way of thinking is different, the world of living is different" is said to be. Staff called Jim's Sato also made a ban, but yesterday also alone
I stood up in the gap that became, and I attached it to my work. I am a college student and I am eating mum 's rice.

The hotel staff will come to the room even though they spend a lot of money in Egypt, I will interfere with customers Inter alia together all over the world! "They are jealous of you," said Egypt Madam. Belly dance managers say they can not understand you. I do not want anyone to understand, but I want them to be released.

視姦 (←またかよ 読者)  ロマンチックnight

2018-12-13 15:44:13 | 日記
  「どちらに座る?」 若いスーツ3人が決めてる、

   案の定そいつらはこちら向き、上司には彼等を向いて座らす 予想たがえず会議しながら 3人はわたしをチラチラ、やだよね、無料の風俗譲扱い。こっちも作業してるのに。
  東京だから? 大阪のホテルカフェはみな仕事に夢中視姦0。

  ベンチで寝て(施設内の)中国女性の声で目を覚ます。横に陣取っててくれ、守られた感じ。 バルコニーでせんべいの袋もった方と遭遇。ちょっと怖そうだが口説く。


   道路公団脱サラして建設業作ったそう。わたしのいた談合しまくりのパシコンも知ってた。  脳梗塞した、と。真面目でジェントルマンで仕事意欲的な男性は何故病気に見舞われる?  
   ホテルのロビーで別れ、high カプセルへ。その後会った方とホテル営業の話し  
  「男性客はロビーで寝てても何も注意されないのに、わたしはカフェで飲んでもスタッフが後ついてくるのよ。」土人の如く。「考え方が違う、住む世界が違うんだよ。」と言われる。  ジムの佐藤と言うスタッフもね、接見禁止にしたのに昨日も一人

  エジプトでもお金たくさん使ってたのにホテルスタッフの部屋まで来るわ、客との交流邪魔するわ土人は世界中一緒! 「彼等はあなたに嫉妬してるのよ」エジプトマダムに言われた。  ベリーダンスのマネージャーは彼等は君の事が理解出来ないよ、と。理解もへったくりもお仲間でないから放っといて欲しい。