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朝日記170314 Hermann-Pillath VI-2 (Literatures and Notes)

2017-03-14 22:21:55 | 自然科学と工学

朝日記170314 Hermann-Pillath VI-2 (continues;Literatures and Notes

朝日記170314 Hermann-Pillath VI-2 (Literatures and Notes


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VI -1 (朝日記170314特集翻訳Hermann-Pillath 「エントロピー、機能(関数)および進化」(I))


 *本論の参考文献Literatures and Notes

  *付録 理解のために参考になりそうな文献 Translater's Notes



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© 2010 by the author; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland.

This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creativeommons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0




1.No.7660 Entropy, Function and Evolution: Naturalizing Peircian Semiosis

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath

Entropy 2010, 12, 197-242; doi:10.3390/e12020197



2.No.7680 on Charles Sanders PeirceNorbert Wiener

Philosophy of information

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



3.No.7680Charles Sanders Peirce




4. No.7680 Norbert Wiener



5.No.7590  John Searle


Biological naturalism


6.荒井康全 システム思考における目的論理と社会倫理についてV

制度(論)からみたシステムの多元的目的論理 総合知学会誌 vol.20151


7.No.7650 Jaynes Principle of maximum entropy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The principle was first expounded by E. T. Jaynes in two papers in 1957[1][2] where he emphasized a natural correspondence between statistical mechanics and information theory.


8.最大エントロピー原理 - Wikipedia

最大エントロピー原理 - Wikipedia






↑(No.7650 Jaynes 補助説明として)


Maximum entropy probability distribution

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



11.Calculus of variations

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



12.Lagrange multiplier

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


see example3 there.



Entropy (information theory)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  (Redirected from Information entropy)


14.No.7690  Jaynesの論文

sfb.tex 5/18/1998.



E. T. Jaynes

Wayman Crow Professor of Physics

Washington University

St. Louis MO 63130, U.S.A.



15.No.7690 Probability Theory:

The Logic of Science

By E. T. Jaynes

Wayman Crow Professor of Physics Washington University

St. Louis, MO 63130, U. S. A. Dedicated


Copyright  c 1995 by Edwin T. Jaynes.


16.No.7700  Lotka’s principle

Maximum power principle

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



17.Maximum power transfer theorem

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  (Redirected from Maximum power theorem)



 8.No.7640 Eric Chaisson

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"Energy Rate Density as a Complexity Metric and Evolutionary Driver," Complexity, v 16, p 27, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20323.


19."Energy Rate Density. II. Probing Further a New Complexity Metric,"

Complexity, v 17, p 44, 2011.



Many-worlds interpretation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




The Fabric of Reality

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


22.No.7620  supervenience 付随性








First published Mon Jul 25, 2005; substantive revision Wed Nov 2, 2011



25.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



26.No.7710  String Theory





28.No.7660  Ontogeny

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




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