いよいよ植物達も新芽を出し始めましたね。春の到来は間違いありません。植物達はとても正直だからです。24度ともなれば、もはや夏日。でも、この時期の天気は安定しませんから、戻り寒もやってくることでしょう。 写真の色がとても鮮やかです。それは光の違いから来るものでしょう。 Bonjour Le Chat! Thank you for your writing in English, so that I can understand. It seems that spring has come finally. From now on you can ride in the fields. How nice!
Bonjour Le Chat! Thank you for your writing in English,
so that I can understand. It seems that spring has come finally. From now on you can ride in the fields. How nice!
Thanks for your comment.
Here, you are enjoying bicycle.
Call me when you go next time.
Belle Dame
Spring goes quietly; forward let's go for the summer!
Very good photo shoots of buds. ; )
Bye Bye, Le Chat