Cheers! Shunの海外旅行記

Travel memories and Jazz/主に海外旅行たまにJazzやクラシック音楽、日常ついて綴る予定

Yuka's forest kitchen, Japanese cooking classes in Tokyo, Japan

2025-01-29 | Yuka's Cooking Class

My partner Yuka started Japanese cooking classes in Tokyo, Japan.

She is a certified cooking instructor specializing in healthy Japanese cuisine, teaching in English.

She teaches Japanese cooking skills and seasonal menus using fresh seasonal vegetables (mostly organic or pesticide-free), traditional Japanese seasonings and additive-free products.

Her classes also focus on people with dietary restrictions, such as vegans and gluten-free people.

The Shojin Ryori class is the most popular one she teaches.

For more information, please visit her website.

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