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【循環コードの考察/Consideration of circular code】Vivaldi the four seasons/ヴィヴァルディ「四季」

2024年02月07日 10時38分13秒 | 音楽/About music

※かねてからの未解決問題をあらためて考えてみた/Here are articles about unresolved issues.


「四季~夏3」Vivaldi the four seasons summer 3

【循環コード進行部分/Circular chord progression part】






I think this is a very beautiful part of the song.




However, when practicing classical music, I wonder if the ``concept of circular chord progression'' is different between then and now. There is a point where I feel...



For example, in a minor key circular chord progression,


Ⅰm - Ⅳm - ♭Ⅶ7 - ♭Ⅲmaj7 - ♭Ⅵmaj7 - Ⅱm7(-5) - Ⅴ7 - Ⅰm 

 Dm - Gm  -   C7    -   Fmaj7   -    B♭maj7 -  Em7(-5)  -  A7  - Dm 




Personally, I feel that the "major 7th chord" in the middle is "beautiful", but when I listen to baroque and classical music,


Dm - Gm - C7 - Fmaj7 - B♭maj7 - Em7(-5) - A7 - Dm 


Dm - Gm - C7 - Am   -   Dm     -     Gm6    -   A7 - Dm 



Sometimes I feel like I'm interpreting it as...



In the past, maj7 chords may have been considered minor chords, unlike now.



Did it happen by chance when another instrument happened to play a low flat 6th note while playing a minor chord?





In Bach's time, the maj7 chord was still considered dissonant.

・・I've heard that



The sound is muddy because they collide at semitones.




However, nowadays it is commonly used

Rather, it is recognized as a "fashionable chord"





(But that may also be because the voicings are an octave apart...)




How did composers in the early 1700s view circular chord progressions?
I'm very interested


B♭maj7/D=Dm   Dm/B♭=B♭maj7

A♭maj7/C=Cm   Cm/A♭=A♭maj7





Arranging various things...






*There is one point about the viola part that I am concerned about, so let's consider that as well.



“E♭ note in measure 4”









・The key of this song is Gm, the key signature is ♭2, and the E note has ♭.

・This location is temporarily set to Key: Dm (if Key: Dm, ♭ will not be added to the E note)

・For a Dm circular chord, the landing point is originally Dm, but here it lands on Key: Cm (if Key: Cm, ♭ is attached to the E note)

・The chord for that measure is “F,Fmaj7”






・The F chord appears as Fmaj7 in Key: Dm (Dominant seven = not F7)

・However, in the original key Gm, the F chord appears as F7 instead of Fmaj7.

・When I try replacing the F (Fmaj7) in measure 4 with F7 and playing it, it feels strange.






・The “E♭ note” you are interested in matches the dominant 7th note of the Fmaj7 chord.

・After that, the note picked up at E♭maj7 in the 6th measure is the “D” note for E♭maj7 (this note matches the major 7th note of the E♭maj7 chord)

・This E♭maj7 location is originally Em7(-5) and is also the turning point where you want to go to A7.





When I was playing the circular chord part of this song, something like this came to mind and I became curious.

That's why...





As I've been thinking about this...

very confused(lol)




Did Beethoven interpret the circular code IIm7(-5) as IVm6? I've felt that way before

However, even though the constituent sounds of the two are almost the same, I think it is important to ask which one was placed there when composing, so I end up thinking like this.






Depending on how you move the circular chord progression, I think you can control the "key" like a trick art.

This allows the author to create an illusion for the listener.

I think that's the real thrill of music.








The above article was written several months ago, but it was not published because it was not organized.

I recently looked back at it and decided to make it public for now.





It's getting complicated, so I'll just record it.





for now




