雨の記号(rain symbol)

Korean drama "30 but 17" Episode 1 ④

Korean drama "30 but 17" Episode 1 ④

"I'm 30, but I'm 17" Episode 1 (Encounter that will shake your life) ④

☆ Main cast & characters
○ Shin Hye Sun ➡ (Woo Sori)
○ Yang Se Jong ➡ (Gong Woo Jin)
○ Ahn Hyu-seop ➡ (Yoo Chan)
○ Ye Ji Won ➡ (Jennifer (Hwang Mi Jung)
○ Cho Hyun Sik ➡ (Han Duk Soo)
○ Jung Yoo Jin ➡ (Kang Hee Soo)
○ Yoon Sun Woo ➡ (Kim Hyun Tae)


"Please get off at the next bus stop."
she raises her face.
"This is Jeongan intersection."
"She stands up."
"Actually, you can get off either way, but it's a little closer if you get off there."
Woojin explained with a relaxed expression.
Woo Sori also returned a smile.
"That's right. Thank you."
Her smile made Woojin feel lighter.
"Actually... I know you."
"No, I don't mean that in a strange way. I'm not that kind of person."
"Actually, there's something I want to give you...wait a minute."
It was Woojin who got to the point of removing the lid of her round cylinder, but at this time, someone called out to Woo Sori. She was always the same schoolgirl.
"Who? Acquaintance?"
Ujin's hand stopped at the voice of her friend.
"Isn't that so? If you ask about the stop..."
She is starting to make her excuses, too.
Woojin put her picture back and jumped out of the bus to avoid her friend's eyes.
"wait a minute"
Woo Sori screamed, but Woo Jin turned into a lump of her shame and ran away.
The bus closed the door and started running.


After the bus left, Woojin turned her face to the sky. She closed her eyes and sighed.
"What an idiot I am"
At this moment, I felt raindrops on her face.
"Could it be tears?"
I rubbed her eyes and realized.
She looked up at the sky again. it was raining
Woojin hangs his head.
"Ah, already~, it's the worst."

Her hand touched something. When I held it in my hand, it was a decorative bell.
"It's her."
When she jumped out of the bus, she hooked it on her bag and brought it with her.
Ujin starts running.

I have to give it back to her - Uzin runs after the bus. She gets off the bus and comes this way. She has to catch up and give it back.
Uzin ran with all his might. She ran after the bus.
"The bus will turn right."
She ran down into the underpass. Run through the underpass and run up the street. From there she followed the bus again.
"Thunder roared and the weather got worse and worse."
A truck overtook the bus. The truck was loaded with car tires and covered with a sheet.
"Then the rope came loose and came off." Tires fall on the road one after another. It blocked the path of the vehicle behind.
Cars that panicked drivers collided and ran onto sidewalks, causing rear-end collisions and collisions.
The bus running behind was blocked and overturned as it ran over an oncoming vehicle.
As a result, more than a dozen vehicles were involved in the accident, resulting in a fatal accident.

Woo So-ri is unconscious and in critical condition, and So-ri and her best friend Noh Soo-mi are taken to heaven.

Woojin, who believed her to be Woo Sori in her No Soo Mi's death, was shocked to witness her accident and harbored her own guilt.
She was the one who suggested that if we got off at the next stop, it would be close to Jeongan Arts Hall, so we should get off at the next stop. She should have dropped her off at that station...
Since then, with the shock of No Soo-mi's death, Gong Woo-jin chose to turn his back on her way of life related to others.

And the era of "a long time ago seven years ago" is "two years ago", except for her work, Gong Woo-jin has spent her life as far away from others as possible like a recluse. Of course, she doesn't even fall in love...

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