Thanks for your writing that my English is absolutely perfect.
My English ability is really improved for 20 years little by little.
But I have to use Internet dictionary too many times and
spell check using MS-Word.
But my listening English ability is not so good.
Why telephone operator in Hongkong speak English rapidly?
Asian countries telephone operator like Thailand and India speak English slowly.
My mood is getting better, but I am not healthy yet.
I just do what you can do, for example easy high-school mathematical problem and memorize
English word.
I bought English pocketbook, but it was difficult for me.
I have to be at home healthcare for 2 month.
I try to study something to waste time.
I bought iPad2 today. I think that it is an interesting tool,
because I use note PC too much when I am depressed in the bed.
It is something better than note PC when I read free comic books and watch Youtube.
iPad2 is like a toy, so I will learn something from iPad2 from now.
But I don't use twitter, Facebook and Email in Ipad2,
because the typing words is very difficult in iPad2.
Does smart phone users use clumsy keyboards?
I don't have smart phone and mobile phone.
Do you use smart phone, mobile phone, iPad?
Thanks for your photographs.
I knew that you enjoyed your mother's birthday.
I am looking forward to your sending decorated shop.